If axolotls are illegal in New Jersey...


New member
Oct 11, 2009
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New Jersey
United States
then, is it okay to buy any mudpuppies and the other axolotl looking salamanders if it is actual axolotls? or am i wrong?
Your best bet would be to check your state-laws and find out. Many post their laws and regulations regarding herps on the state Fish and Game website. Additionally, you could call your local department and find out.
I believe axolotls are illegal in New Jersey, as is the possession of any native NJ species.

To be honest, the only other 'axolotl looking' species I could think of would be mudpuppies and sirens (with external gills), neither of which really look that much like axolotls at all.
I'm having trouble tracking down the N.J. law. Are all Ambystoma illegal in New Jersey? How about Ambystoma andersoni? I swear the states hide these regulations.
Darn, I was so wanting to move to NJ with a "Dino dog".
The part where it says it is illegal to posses larval salamanders in N.J. would mean it is illegal to breed most salamanders in N.J. You could make a point for the only legal salamanders to breed in N.J. are ones that do not have a larval form.

I'm confused. Does larval salamanders mean neotenic salamanders or does it mean larvae of salamanders and neotenic salamanders.
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It sounds like they're trying to simplify things for their staff, like CA did by banning all Ambystoma, so they didn't have to learn the differences between various species. It seems to me that NJ would like to say if it has feathery gills and could be confusing for them to distinguish, it's banned. It's unfortunate that they don't use scientific names. It's almost a joke. (I haven't looked into the NJ law anymore than you have posted, but if that it, then it's quite ridiculous.) Arguably as it's stated, breeding would be illegal.
It's easy to just make everything illegal. NJ sucks that is why I will never live there. That and their gun laws.
I live in New Jersey and I have an axolotl. I got it in Maryland though.
I live in New Jersey and I have an axolotl. I got it in Maryland though.

I would not recommend posting an admission of breaking state regulations on the internet. A couple years ago I sold an axolotl to a guy in Pa. He sold it to a friend in N.J. The guy from N.J. had it confiscated.
I live in New Jersey and I have an axolotl. I got it in Maryland though.

Regardless of where you purchased it, it's illegal to possess in New Jersey.
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