ID this Newt Please


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May 7, 2007
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New York City, USA
United States
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Andrew Diaz
Just got this chubby newt about one month ago or so. I keep him in a 40 gallon breeder, half land half water. I was thinking it was a Paramestriton or Cynops or maybe even a Triturus. Thanks all. P.S. you cannot really tell, but he has a bit of a paddle tail.

I would say Paramesotriton of some species. Maybe P. fuzhongensis ? I'm not sure. A picture of it in the water could help. But I'm sure someone will know the exact species.
Whatever species he is, he looks healthy. Nice shape, bulky head, abs could use some work though. Where did you aquire this cutie? Seems too zoftig for a petstore purchase.
I too think that he is too healthy to be of petstore stock, but that is where I found him. Petland Discounts. Its possible that he may have been a trade from a private owner. Such is my theory.
Thanks for the genus ID!
I do know that he was not at the store more than one day, as i had visited the store the day before and he was not there. And it was not a shipment day when I bought him.
I am 100% sure it is a Paramesotriton (warty newt). However, I'm clueless to ID the exact species. These species do turn up in pet shops (imported from the wild in China) with some regularity, so it's not a surprise to find one there. I agree, it's a nice healthy specimen.
Definitely guess would be chinensis...
you can probably forget deloustali as they are VERY rare and the odds of one turning up at a shop are minimal. Plus the belly spots are ALL wrong. Paramesotriton ID'ing is a "black" art though. I say chinensis again due to the extreme wartiness and the small belly spots...JMHO
Whatever he turns out to be he is a stud (or she a pinup). Glad to hear that he only spent a few hours in the toxic soup of the local pet shop. I doubt even they could damage him much in that time. Please keep us updated with pics of him.
Thanks all. Ok so I will iliminate P. deloustali and consider P. chinensis. Am I correct in assuming that it is a male due to paddle tail look?
In case anyone is interested, this guy is still alive and healthy with me. It is tame and takes food straight form my hand.
Definitely Paramesotriton. I'd guess P. Chinensis.
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