New member
Well to start ill say hello, this is my first post. I'm more of a fish guy and have been successful in that so trying my hand at newts or newt actually. I have what I'm pretty sure is a paddle tail just not sure what kind. Also he is not eating have tried newt pellets, meal worms, frozen blood worms right in front of him, it's like crack for fish but nothing from him. I even have a black neon in the tank that I pulled from my loach tank to see if he would eat it. Tetra is still going! Not even a bite. So I'm curious in favorite foods and such. His tank is around 70 degrees F I'm trying to figure a way to drop it without buying a chiller which I'm sure I will cave on eventually. Hope the pic uploads and any help would be great, he's a very social little guy and would definatly like him to stick around.