There are others who are more knowledgable about the different species than me so I'll let someone else handle that.
But the "release into the wild" part I can address a little. Its not a good idea.
If you buy these animals online - you only have the word of the seller as to where they came from, how they've been kept etc etc etc.
Not knowing all of this you could be introducing an entirely different species to your locale.
You could introduce a new virus or fungus that will affect the animals that ARE ALREADY there.
Your best bet would to be collect native specimens from nearby and transplant them to the area that needs colonization HOWEVER!!! That may not be legal in your area!
Why don't you call your local university and ask them if there is a repopulation effort in your area regarding caudates? I used to have FANTASTIC luck and a good time calling different universities and asking to speak to the professor of.... paranormal, plants, genetics, etc etc etc. LOL I felt like I got to speak with a minor celebrity. ANYWAY if there are repopulation efforts in your area - with a species you can handle - they may have a way for you to help out.
Maybe housing a some animals for them. It seems to me that finding the space to house and breed some species is an issue. BUT if you're not experienced they may not have much to offer you but may be willing to teach you .
Don't get discouraged. Call and ask. Your local fish and game may have information too - that however seems like a crapshoot to me. Our local fish & game personel are one step above amoebas. (sp?) Try the local university first. AND please let us know what they have to say?