I think something is wrong with my axolotl


New member
Jul 10, 2023
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United States
Okay soooo basically Ive had my axolotl for an entire year now and she’s always been pretty normal! She would always swim around a bit, chill on the plants, watch me when im on my computer, but for some odd reason she’s recently been hanging out only in one corner of the tank, Im not sure why but im getting really worried, she barely moves from that corner now, fortunately she is still eating lots, and her gills nor tail are curled or limp, but im not sure whats causing her stay there, She’s been in that corner for almost a whole week now, does anyone know what it could mean??
there could be something in the corner that she prefers, this could be anything from shade to cooler water, you may need to investigate your tank set up to find out what it is.
as axolotls get older they become less active during the day and are more likely to be found somewhere comfortable relaxing, try to monitor her at night to see if she become more active.
there could be something in the corner that she prefers, this could be anything from shade to cooler water, you may need to investigate your tank set up to find out what it is.
as axolotls get older they become less active during the day and are more likely to be found somewhere comfortable relaxing, try to monitor her at night to see if she become more active.
Thanks for this :) I decided to stay up a little later to monitor her and she was roaming around the tank quite a lot, this morning she was also just wandering around the tank for a bit, it seems that she might just be lazy during the day and goes in the corner
I had the same pattern with my axi… I found it quite odd she’d be out and swimming around during the day, constantly coming to the surface if I was in the room. But of course I enjoyed the interaction. As shes grown, about a year now, stays in her cave or back corner of her tank when it’s bright, and she will be out and about, wondering and digging up her plants when the sun goes down. Just the life cycle of the axolotl. If your parameters are good and no visible signs of stress, then nothing to be alarmed about.
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