hope ur not getting sick of me ?
but thought id'e post some pics of new tank "MK3"
did some more re-aranging and got some fake tree stump back ground thingie and added some large river pebbles, its a bit cloudy again but will settle and i have to figure out some other way to mount the spray bar and going to use a black or brown background on tank, hmmm maybe a pebble background would be nice so it looks like a river bed...
and this is a piece the back ground stuff i cut off "looks very realistic imo"
(Message edited by jennewt on November 18, 2005)
hope ur not getting sick of me ?
but thought id'e post some pics of new tank "MK3"
did some more re-aranging and got some fake tree stump back ground thingie and added some large river pebbles, its a bit cloudy again but will settle and i have to figure out some other way to mount the spray bar and going to use a black or brown background on tank, hmmm maybe a pebble background would be nice so it looks like a river bed...
and this is a piece the back ground stuff i cut off "looks very realistic imo"
(Message edited by jennewt on November 18, 2005)