I need insiration of my 10 gallon tank



Hey there everyone!

I need help creating an awsome habitat for my fire belly newts. Well I haven't gotten them yet...but I'm going to soon. I'm thinking of putting 4 of them in my 10 gallon tank. I want it to be natural looking as well as having a waterfall of some kind. Is having a waterfall possible in such a small tank? O yeah, can I put my 3 small gold fish in the tank with my newts if I make the water area large enough? What do you guys think about gluing in a piece of plexy glass to make a kind of second level over 1/4 of the tank? Some kind of second level anyway. Tell me what you guys think.
what kind of cynops are you thinking of?

four newts is alot for a ten-gallon, i wouldn't go with that many. and i'd say it would definitely be overcrowded with fish in there too. and while some fish may get along with newts, mixing species is sometimes dangerous.

as for the plexiglass and second level, i've seen some really cool setups like what you're talking about. go for it!

there is good information about species mixing in the Caudata Culture section.
If they are C. orientalis, I think 4 would be OK in a 10-gallon, but there is NO WAY you could also keep any fish in there - the newts would be the limit of the amount of animals that size tank could support. Even for the 4 newts, you need plenty of water area in order to keep the water quality good.

Using a piece of glass or plexi is a good way to make efficient use of space in a tank. Unless you have the tools to cut the plexi yourself, glass is usually cheaper and it sticks in place much better. Silicon sealant sticks to glass REALLY well, but not so well to plexi.

My personal favorite is the last photo on this page:
Thanks for your help. The other day I got 3 fire belly newts. For now they're staying in a temperary tank while I'm building their terrarium.Today I'm going to have most of the frame part glued together on their land area and waterfall; then comes the fun part of glueing on the rocks. It's going to look awsome! I can't wait till it's all done. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.

I have another question though. Is it better to feed the newts in the water or on land? I also got meal worms for them to eat, how many and how often should I fed the worms to them? What else do you think they would like to eat? I want to give them some variety.

Thanks for all your help!
These are the pictures of my 3 fire belly newts terrarium. Yeah the glass is kinda dirty.



This is what I have so far, tell me what you guys think.
Do you know if it's possible to some how train the newts to go on the land to get their food. I don't want to feed them in the water, it's easier to clean up the left overs from the plastic log dish.
That's a very nice arrangement that maximizes water area and also provides a large land area. Very creative, thanks for sharing!
That's a nice set-up. I really like the tree stump. Where did you get it? I'm thinking about getting something like that for a future project.
Nice setup.. but I don't see any water flow, no airstone or low powered submersible pump. It looks stagnet, a fluval ten gallon sub. is only 10-17 buks and will make a huge diffrence.
If you wana train them to eat on the land, only put the food on the land and when they find it on there enough times they will know if they wana get fed they have to go on land to get their food.
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