I have a Long-toed Salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) named Tuni sadly I can't find ANYTHING at ALL that Tuni will eat I tried blood worms but I learned that this is a fully terrestrial species so no aquatic foods for my salamander. okay I have tried feeding Tuni worms medium sized ones and small ones putting the live worms in Tuni's container but they crawled in from of him and over him and under him and he just moved away from them, so I tried giving him them with tweezers that did not work (chopped up in pieces) they where only the worms in my backyard though. Also I tried feeding him live wood bugs and snails which he also ran away from I only have 3 pet stores here with a 4th opening in nov.7 but one of them doesn't sell live food/bugs and the other two did not sell anything to feed Tuni with! Crickets are my last resort I am going to try to see if paws and jaws has some, because sometimes they do. Has anyone had the same salamander as me or knows anyone with one? if so please help my Tuni is getting thin and weak I have had him for like 4 days without food his current home is in a critter carrier with about 5 cm of topsoil on the bottom (which I keep moist but not muddy), half a hamster tube for him to hide in and a half buried yoghurt cup with an opening. Please help me or suggest some other foods/bugs I am not allowed to mail order or use internet to buy anything :/
btw the stores here are petcetera ,paws n jaws, and bosleys, and petsmart is opening in nov.7 I have never seen or heard of petsmart so hopefully it will be a good pet store.
btw the stores here are petcetera ,paws n jaws, and bosleys, and petsmart is opening in nov.7 I have never seen or heard of petsmart so hopefully it will be a good pet store.