I lost Krycek!! <IMG SRC="http://www.caudata.org/forum/clipart/sad.gif" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0>



One of my C. orientalis is missing! (Krycek, the one with 6 toes on one hind leg.) After examining for about half an hour, from all angles, I finally had a friend help me, and I lifted stuff out and tilted things to see if he was somehow stuck under a rock... he's nowhere! All I can find is Scully and Grissom

Do newts tunnel? Maybe he dug a hole in the gravel? There's no way he got out. The screen fits snug to the tank, plus I have a light on top of it adding weight....


- yav
if you have a overhanging filter try the inside lost one of my newts for 6 days and went to clean the filter there he was.
I don't. I have an undergravel filter (using only one side of it) and there's no way he got into the tubing or anything (although knowing that, I checked over and over anyway!)

This is just so weird...
that leaves no other option than to totally clean out the tank I think, good luck!
What is running the UG filter (powerhead, or forced air)? How does the cord or air tubing get into the tank? If it comes through a cut-out hole in the screen lid, that's good. If it comes through UNDER the screen lid, this can leave enough of a crack for an orientalis to escape.

I hope you find him
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