I just rescued 3 fire bellied Newts being eaten alive by hatchling turtles in store


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Aug 24, 2008
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United States
I wrote the below post to a turtle group that I belong to it was written yesterday while the one that was mostly eaten was still alive. Right now 3 are still alive - 2 look relatively unscathed and 1 has a raw stump for the end of his tail - I hope he pulls through he otherwise looks healthy. I did put frozen blood worms in their tank today but I don't think they are eating and 2 are hiding behind the filter and 1 is hanging out on the platform. I have seen them swimming or more like squirming about in the tank.

I live outside Philadelphia and would love to find a rescue for them or a permanent home. I will keep them if I can't find them a home. I just couldn't stand the thought of them being eaten alive.

Any help on the care of fire bellied newts would be appreciated. I am completely clueless - I own turtles and tortoises. When I did handle I put on latex gloves so that my oils didn't touch them - that was to get them out from behind the filter - but they just went back so I figure they want to hide there.


Once again after swearing off pet stores I went into an aquarium shop to see
if they had duckweed - they didn't but what I did see had me so upset. There
was 4 baby fire bellied newts in an aquarium with turtle hatchlings - RES,
Map, and Soft Shell hatchlings. The Newts were pretty worse for the wear being
nibbled to death by the turtles. I asked one of the guys in the shop and he
said most of the newts died that 3 were still living but they hadn't had a
chance to remove them from the tank. I asked another shop clerk and he said they
were basically dead anyway they were a bad batch of newts so he wasn't going
to waste his time. I left the store but couldn't stand thinking of the poor
newts - my parents (who care for my turtles when I am flying) told me I
better not go back and get them. Of course I went back to the store - there were
actually 4 still alive - one has most of his tale eaten off and his foot has
been eaten but he still seems to be swimming okay - he was hiding in a little
hole in the basking ramp from the turtles. the other 3 were up on the ramp
away from the turtle nibbling too. So I bought them and took them to my condo -
my turtles are at my parents. Right now I quickly set up a 5 gallon tank for
them with a new filter and a basking ramp and a gallon and a half of water.
They seem to be doing okay - 3 including the one missing his limb are hanging
out on the ramp and the 4th is behind the filter but he doesn't seem to be
stuck since he has come out once and swam around. I have a basking light on a
timer to go on from 7 am to 7 pm for them. I bought some newt food and put a
pinch in the water but I think they are too stressed to eat right now with
the change in environment. I am just hoping they will survive.

Does anybody on the list have any fire bellied newts - I am going to google
them to see if I can find anything more out about them - I never wanted newts
- but I couldn't stop thinking about them being slowly eaten bit by bit. So I
guess I am going to be a newt mom as well as a turtle and tortoise mom if
the newts survive.

Here is a great link to a care sheet for Chinese Fire-belly newts (Cynops orientalis)- http://www.caudata.org/cc/species/Cynops/C_orientalis.shtml

Newts have incredible regenerative abilities, so if kept cool and well-fed, the missing appendages should grow back. If you are set on finding them a new home, I'd post an add in the "for sale" section of the forum.

Good luck!:D
Hi Jen,
I know its hard but you really shouldnt buy animals that are in a bad way in pet stores because it will only encorage the shop to go and buy more stock as they think that there is a market for them, and then another load of newts will suffer. Its harsh but it really is the right thing to do.
I know it isn't good to rescue from store but now I have what treatment...

I know it isn't good to rescue from a store - I just couldn't get it out of my mind and I couldn't live with myself thinking of them slowly being nibbled to death.

Now that I have them - is there any special treatment for the one that is still alive with a raw/bloody stump of a tail?

I absolutely know nothing about them and don't want to cause further stress or injury to the poor guy - Is there anything I can pick up to make his tail heal faster or with less chance of infection?

Thanks so much for the care sheet information. I am not sure if I am going to give them up yet - I don't know if moving them again this soon is too stressful. I did email a few rescues but haven't heard anything back. It is hard because I am a flight attendant and already have strained my mother's patience with feeding 6 turtles and 2 tortoises and 2 cats. But if she realizes it isn't such a big deal just putting the food in the tank she may come around. Right now I make her feed my turtles in a separate tank which drives her crazy.

I am at work right now but am anxious to check in on them and see how the 3 are doing - I was so happy when the 4th pulled through last night only to die a few hours into the morning.

Is there anything I can do for the tail of the one that has the end bit off? I put a call into my vet but she won't tell me anything unless I bring it in. The problem is I just paid $1800 on a rescued tortoise and I only have $13 in my savings account! AUGH!

There are some articles with treatment suggestions here:

Sadly, many firebellies arrive in poor condition to begin with (even without being put with turtles), so you are fighting an uphill battle with these guys.

If they don't seem to want to stay in water, it would be perfectly acceptable to keep them in a plastic container (with a tight-fitting ventilated lid) on wet paper towels changed daily. Many juvenile firebellies are largely terrestrial.
Thanks. The 3 are still alive - although 1 was still on the platform but in a different position - the second was in the filter laying on the foam - I had to get him out, and the 3rd still hanging on the outside of the filter between the wall and the filter.

They move so funny in the water kind of squiggly - I never seen any swim before but since all three are doing it - I assume that is normal.

Do they have to eat in the water? before putting them in a plastic container should I see how they do with the land - I have a large platform and a giant piece of collard green leaf in there for them to hang out on.

I have to scrub out my 30 gallon tank for them which I will be able to put more rocks etc. Right now they are still in the 5 gallon tank. I wasn't sure if they would be alive when I came home tonight but they seem to be doing okay.

I have a cleanser that my vet gave me for cleaning out my turtle tanks - it is what she uses on wounds and cleaning bird water dishes. I am going to scrub out the 30 gallon tank with that as soon as I have a chance - It really needs to be cleaned because I just got it back about a month ago from my sister who was using it for a few pet rats before she got them a cage. It has been sitting outside all this time.

It doesn't really look like they are any of the blood worms that were in the frozen block they are on the bottom of the tank - do they need to eat in the water or do they eat out of the water?

Should I scoop out the worms tomorrow and put a fresh block in?

Thanks for everyone who is answering me - I really appreciate it - I am trying....

All the newts have died but 1 who now has a major fungal infection.

All the poor newts - the 2 healthiest looking died yesterday and the day before. Last night I noticed the one surviving one with the injured tail has now got fungus growing all over him and a portion of his foot is missing I guess from the fungus. I am taking him to the vet's this morning. I am praying he survives this.

Hi Jen

I think you should write a letter to the pet store telling them what they are doing wrong.Remember try to keep it polite otherwise they wont listen to it:eek:.And about the fungus personly I don't know anything about this illness but in the articles go down to the illness section
here is the link for a page that i think might help http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/illness.shtml if it doesn't then just go to the caudata home then click on the articles section then go to illness

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