How would one go about breeding them. I firstly need to buy some really large axies, i need them mature. I have see them selling at around 20cm with black toes, so all is good!! I need to be able to tell the sex of the axie spot on.....Can anyone give me fool proof measures....? ( the swelling of the "tail" region) Also, what are the ideal conditions one has found thay they will mate. Any breeding tricks or secrets??? What are the optimal tempuratures to breed them? And conditioning food that will prime them for a mateing and egg laying session? Any other pointers i should know, size of tank, lower current than normal. ect. What substrate should i use (bare tank) is it better to move the parents or eggs?
Could someone just walk me through how to breed axies and how to raise the eggs???
Could someone just walk me through how to breed axies and how to raise the eggs???