I have some filter, sponge, and bubbler questions :)


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Aug 19, 2011
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Hey there guys I'm pretty new here and have posted other questions in another discussion board which people graciously helped in, but I thought these questions belonged here :)

I have a Tetra whisper PF 10 and we got her 3 weeks ago andshe lives in a 10 gallon tank. We set it up today, noticed the current was rather strong so we placed a few things in there to cover up the opening, and I sure as heck didn't see a current, but whil she normally floats mid to top and swims around, she just sat at the bottom and looked rather stressed. Her gills were definitely prominent looking, I can never tell where exactly to look for the curl in the stressed gills, but they looked different, so we took it out and just have a fan blowing the surface to oxygenate it and keep it cool like we usually do. My questions are what filters are best for them, what the heck is a sponge filter, and how do you set up a bubbler? Because if I can't get this filter to cooperate I at least want more oxygen in there.

So she seems fine swimming around and all that, but is it more common for them to sit at the bottom? Again, she did.with filter but I believe her gills looked unusual...any help is greatly appreciated. :)
She's a year to a year and a half, and she's about 6 inches by the way
I don't have a filter on my axie tank. All I have is a single power head that agitates the surface.

Sponge Filter
What Are Aquarium Sponge Filters, How They Work, and Why Choose One

For the air stone/wand you get an air pump, hook it up to tubing, attach an air stone of some sort to the other end and put into the tank and presto...bubbles!

Oxygen gets into still water. The bigger the surface area the more oxygen but you want to add more by stirring the water up

Axolotls typically just sit around on the bottom. A very active axolotl can be a stressed axolotl.
Thanks for the article, sir. And she's not mega active, just at night, which I've heard is somewhat common
Thanks for the article, sir. And she's not mega active, just at night, which I've heard is somewhat common

:p madam hehe

You are welcome :happy:
Mine are actually being all swimmy now too and its 2:30 am...I think It's my 2 females being all active sitting in the plants.
Ah of course sorry madam :) , my apologies lizzy, ok yeah 2 am is her active time too, but I now have a sponge filter and I.have some more questions :) ....

It is an ATI HYDRO SPONGE II filter for up to 20 gallons..she is in a 10 gallon tank and she seemed okay at first but today she's been hiding in her home all day, I'm worried she may be stressed, but its only a sponge filter not a regular filter D: its just bubbles on the.top, I don't want her to be stressed :( I've tried 2 filters and this finally I'm ready to go crazy!
Is she just getting used to it? Her gills don't look curled, just more up I would say and she's at bottom :(
and other recent additions: moss ball and java fern
I have recently just had to move my axies to another tank ( the other one was filthy!)
Anyways the water flow in there was a bit strong for their liking and they were a bit stressed for awhile:( but 2 days later they're fine and used to it. They're back to their usual cheeky habits of uprooting all my plants with their shovel head.

additionally a sponge filter shouldn't cause too much water flow. (I have them in some other tanks.) If the current is too great in your opinion you can always attach an air flow restrictor in the tubing. If you go to your local aquarium they ought to sell it (wont be expensive)

hope that helps
That does help thank ya :), yeah of course both pet stores were out of those when I bought the pump...ill check if I see anything else strange, but today she seemed fine. I cant brush the idea of stress away, but its also important to remember that she's simply not used to it yet. She ate fine and swam around like usual today
Thought I would revitalize this thread because I have a question and I did not want to make another thread...question: I hand clean my sponges on my two sponge filters every two weeks in tank water..is this ok? AND is it general consensus to KEEP the sponge filters in there or change them every few months or something (one at a time to not destroy cycle)
There is bacteria on EVERYTHING not just that sponge. You can change them if they get extra messy

Cleaning the sponges in tank water is fine. They should be cleaned/changed or else they just get too filthy.
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