I don't know if my axolotl is sick


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Sep 24, 2023
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Hamilton ohio
United States
I have a black axolotl that was given to me I do not know her age but she's getting white on her body I've been reading and I seen some get the white on their bellies or she could be sick can someone please help??


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some axolotls have a pale/white underside but axolotls can get a fusty/dusty coating which is more noticeable on dark breeds (also some seem to be more susceptible then others), tea baths will help as will almond leaves, melafix and pimafix, although slight salinity will prevent spread it isn't as effective on body fust/dust as it is with gill fungus.
unless her feeding or behaviour has been effected the well being cannot be noted on photos alone.
some axolotls can be prone to dusty coatings but it doesn't under normal conditions affect their over all health.
as a side note.. unless floating tub in deeper water, ammonia can build up very fast so the more water the more diluted it is (make sure to use a lid)
salt baths can be a bit aggressive and stressful, if there are signs of fungus treatment can be done in tank by increasing salinity levels (3.5g/l non-iodised salt for treatment, 2g/l for preventative) look into using holtfreters solution (50% + 0.1g/l magnesium sulphate as preventive and to give optimal conditions, 100% + 0.2g/l for treatment of fungus, edema, ammonia burns etc..)
for holtfreters see here.. Axolotls - Requirements & Water Conditions in Captivity
almond/catappa leaves can be used and are for in tank treatment.
melafix and pimafix can be used in tank.
methyline blue and acriflavine have to be used as baths due to being antibacterial.
strong tea is used as a bath due to the effects of acidity.
add 1 black tea bag or equivalent of loose leaves into a jug, add 200ml boiling water, stir and allow to cool, sieve any loose leaves, use 20ml per 1 litre water, store in cool/cold place (use by three days, may grow mold if left longer).
tea baths are for 10-15 minutes (although it has been known for axolotls to be placed in solution for up to 24hrs with no ill effect)
I just bought almond leaves will that work as well? And also I have a lot of babies and I'm having a hard time selling them any recommendations on that?
almond/catappa leaves take time to break down and release beneficial tannins but are still ideal placed in tanks or when tubbing, they can also be crushed up and used to make a tea which can be used in both tank and tubs.
as for babies best try here Axolotl Eggs, Larvae & Breeding
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