Hyper Activity



Hey as ive mentioned i have a hongknog warty newt and hes been moving around pretty good but hes been climbing up the walls of the tank pretty high looking like he wants to escape of course he cant cause its glass , i used to have two but the other newt pased away recently could he be displeased he doesnt have another companion in the tank with him now ? Thanks to anyone who may help
There is usually a reason for newts wanting to escape, give us as much detail as you can with regards to how your keeping it, temp of the water and so on. If one has died this could be an indicator that something is wrong in your tank.
I change the water about every 4-5 days , i used to keep the light on alot but now that i heard they dont need it im not keeping it on , thats pretty much all i can tell you , thanks for responding and if you could suggest me to do any thing i would be glad to hear .
How big is the tank? Maybe not big enough, especially if you have to change the water so often. Do you mean ALL of the water?

Here are some FAQ that might help.

Also, here is a photo of my setup for a pair of P. hongkongensis:


Well it only contains one newt now so ill be able to change it a little less . Its a bit smaller than the one you have but it looks quite sufficient for only one . Doyou think he'll be alrite by himself being that he did have another companion , should i buy another newt of the same kind to live with it ? Thanks
oh and by the way when i change the water i rinse it out about 5 times to get all the waste out and then i fill it with new water and yes i change the whole tank whenever i clean it .
He will be all right by himself, they do not need companionship.

It is not good to change all the water at once. If you clean out a tank so completely, it will never "cycle". Cycling is the establishment of good bacteria in the tank, to break down waste. A good filter + good bacteria established should mean that you never need to completely empty the tank (and thus the water quality will be better and more stable). See:
taking out all the water is like starting a new tank, and starting a new tank requires taking out about 25%only everyday or so for about a week
until the water created a good envirnment and good cycle.
and dont forget to declorinate your water when changing it.
Thanks for the tips and by the way how do i declorinate the water ? This is odd now my newt is kind of lethargic . Man , i wish i knew if there was anything wrong
You sound like you're pretty much clueless about how to care for newts (that's okay, we all were at some point in our lives). I would suggest that you not only read up on this site, but that you get some good books about amphibian care and maintenance and try to learn as much as you can. Good luck!
You must remove the chlorine (or chloramine) from your tap water. The safest method is to use a liquid product sold at pet shops (ask any pet shop employee). If you are sure you have only chlorine (not chloramine), you can let the water sit out to age, and the chlorine will dissipate by itself. But you need to ask your nearest pet shop about whether your tap water has chlorine or chloramine.

P. hongkongensis are not very active newts, and they tend to be nocturnal. If it's abnormal or not depends on HOW lethargic it is.
Hey thanks alot for the info , just one more thing , i live in new york and its getting kind of chilly now around 40 , well my house's temp is about 60 , should i tart using the ultraviolet light on myewts tank and also how high should the water be in my newt's tank ?
Sounds like you just need some basics on keeping the tank clean. All you need to do is visit any pet store or wal-mart. From what you say about your tank it seems like a Whisper 10i filter would be a good investment for you. They're really inexpensive. If you install one of those (I praise that filter wherever I go!) then you can just change 25% of the water once a week or so. No biggie. Then, just replace the filter cartridge about once every three weeks or month, depending on how gross it looks.
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