Hydra!!! AND flatworm!!!!!


New member
Apr 5, 2011
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Essex, England
United Kingdom
As if my week hasn't been bad enough what with my mums cat dying, my new tank cracking and me being ill, Now i have discovered some iccky things going on with the glass of my Axie tank. I noticed white flecks on the glass and on closer insepction and after doing some research it looks like I have some flat worms and hydra. I have no idea how this has happened. I regularly hover the tank, clean the sides, do 20% tank changes and keep an eye on parameters. The only thing different is that I bought some frozen blocks of chichlid mix and a tank divider from the aquarium shop and I took out a rock to give the axies more room. I put one of these little blocks of chichlid mix into the tank along with some blood worm and then I realised it wasn't brine shrimp. Stupid packets looked the same and me not being well just didn't notice. I feel so bad now. I hoovered the tank out straight away coz it looked like it had bits of vegetable in it. Then I replaced it with some brine shrimp from another packet. Could a frozen cube of food have contaminated my tank? No one puts their hands in there but me and my daughter and we don't really go out much and always keep clean hands because my other daughter has a blood condition which means she cant fight off bacterial infections. I always clean the tanks on different days to avoid contaminating the axies or fish and there is only one real plant in thier tank and its been in there for ages. What have I done wrong (well other than feeding my axies the wrong food!)
Oh and do these little worms eat algae because thats one thing that seems to have not been cropping up lately.
thanks for the vids, yep thats defineately what I have got. They are miniscule though and only I can see them as I have amazingly good close too vision since laser eye surgery. I will get the camera out and try to get a pic tomorrow. That Hydra stuff looks nasty! I hope it wont harm my beloved little lotls! Will see if I can get some flubenol from the pet shop.
Yes, they are not harmfull for your axolotls. But they can be for your eggs and larvae. Allso look out for spredding them to other thanks.

Make shure you use the flubenol right. and repeat it after some days/weeks.
I'm shure other people can help you furder.

I have no experience with it. I cleaned the tank verry well and use it for some salamandra's now.

Good luck!
I feel so bad that I have let this happen. I don't know what I have done wrong. I dote on my axies and spend ages sitting there talking to them because they sit and stare back at me like they are listening even though I know they cant really hear me. I can't believe I have just noticed this today. Its not like the tank is over run with them but it still freaks me out a bit. I will have to check the fish tank. I treated them for ich a month ago and have been looking for any signs of it returning but their fins are clear. I don't see anything else in thier tank, its only little because they are only a tiny pair of gold fish that belong to my 2 year old. I didn't feed my axies for 2 weeks after the fish had ich because I was so worried to passing it on to them, I had my daughter be in charge of feeding the axies for the 2 weeks and I was in charge of the fish tank and neither of us touched the other tank.
I have just put up some photos of "other thing that live in the tank".

I have the same worms in the tank, some on the glass, some just swim around. I also have some that stick up out of the sand. Lots of things in the tank but I don't think it's anything to panic about ( I hope ).

I found with a few vacuums of the sand the worms went, and the other things don't bother the axies at all. Its odd that with all the things I do have in the tank Hydra is not one of them.

Good luck with whatever you try!
eeeweee! worms in the sand, I bet I've got them in my sand as well. I do always give my sand a really good hoover. The axies aren't bothered by this at all and I always have to shift them out of the way as well as the fake plants and decorations. I hoover under and behind everything and there always seems to be an axie right where I want to get to lol!
You've done nothing wrong. Planaria gets in a tank through plant, shrimp and a lot of other things. I've got planaria in my axolotl tank (2 female axies) for quite some time and it never caused any problems. Planaria doesn't hurt your axies, but they can be harmfull for the eggs.
oooh there'll be no eggies! Not in my tank. They are seperated while Aristotle grows back her leg. Athena is growing a lot faster and has decided to show whos in charge and until Aristotle gets her leg back and repairs her poor chewed up tail I think they will stay apart. I neeeeeeeeeeeed to get a tank and fast because they are getting bigger and have not much room now there is a divider in there. But the tank I bought that they were to go into this weekend cracked so I have to get a replacement. Until pets at home get one in for me I guess they are stuck with evil hydra! I dont mind the little planiara so much because I'm sure they have been keeping back the algae.
I wouldn't worry about the hydra or planaria. Just natural aquarium inhabitants.
Bummer about the tank cracking, Have you thought about just replacing the glass on the side that is cracked? It's waaaay cheaper than buying a new tank and fairly easy.
Hydra are amazing, their DNA doesn't shorten over time so effectively they don't age. I wouldn't mind a mini tank of them to be honest!
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