looks well enough for the little fellar
however.. you do say something that concerns me..
low ammonia? you have to be absolutely possitive that this number is 0..
otherwise, you are poisoning your axie as we speak.
also, i would add some moss-balls. just for the sake of having enough live plants to convert ammonia into more usefull stuff.
and some extra oxygen in the water couldt hurt as well.
uhm.. i have 6 moss balls
they apeal to me, and i like them better then any live plant in the tank because they cant be uprooted, need little to no light, and they cant hurt my axies for sure.
dont know about the oxygen levels they produce however..
as far as i understant, moss is more of a fungus then a plant..
edit: axies like messing with your plants, so IF you add live plants, make sure they are anchored well.
mine are jammed between pieces of slate tile, so they are bound to stay there.
and i havent seen my axies trying to uproot them.. but it doesnt hurt to make sure
the moss balls are a type of algae, and although there's no harm in them, I don't think they grow very fast and are therefore not too useful in removing ammonia. The best way to deal with ammonia while your tank is cycling is daily partial water changes and adding lots of fast-growing plants that are known to take ammonia straight from the water, like hornwort or Elodea.
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