We are going on vacation for a few days, and I don't want to leave our axo alone. I found an aquarium shop I really trust, and they will babysit. But I want to know the best way to 1) catch her in her tank - I don't want to traumatize her too much, but I don't want to drop her either and 2) what kind of container to put her in for the very short drive. I don't want her sloshing around in some large tank.
my typical method of transportation is as follows
- wash hands and arms extremely well, using only hot water. DO NOT use any soap or chemicals when cleaning your hands. i oftentimes use a small scrubbing tool underneath my nails to ensure they are completely clean.
- lower both hands into the water
- gently move one hand toward the axolotl, scoop it up gently. there is a possibility that this will spook them and they may dart away, but continue trying to catch them anyways. i typically feed about an hour beforehand so they are a bit less active (busy digesting.)
- hold the axolotl IN THE WATER in an underhand position. i put my index finger under the chin, and my other fingers underneath the belly.
- wrap other hand around the first one for added support.
- gently remove the axolotl from the water and lower into a nearby container. i suggest using tank water to ensure the temperature is the same. it is VERY IMPORTANT that the temperatures are the same between both bodies of water.
- open your fingers and allow the axolotl to swim out of your grasp. they will likely thrash around a bit and may blow bubbles//hiccup, but this is normal for having been disturbed.
always use a container with a lid. i use one about the size of a shoebox.
load the tub into your car. walk carefully and slowly as to disturb the axolotl as little as possible. i always use a seatbelt over the front of it to prevent problems with braking.
more advice can be given, but this should suffice for now