How to put axolotls in their new tank


New member
Oct 1, 2012
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United States
I'm adopting two male axolotls this weekend. I have a tank I just need to put things in it but the main thing I was wondering is how should I put my axolotls in their tank? We're driving down to get them so they're not being shipped. Also, any other tank set up tips?

It's not quite like fish, where you let the bag sit in the water. I just make sure the water isn't freezing cold [don't want to shock them], and stick them in with a net. Some say nets damage gills, I never had this happen.
As far as tank setup, make sure temps are under 75 F, no gravel or impact-risk substrate, some hides, plants preferred, no strong filters, etc.
Have you checked out Great site, will answer all your questions.
Good luck and have fun with your new axolotls :D
I usually float the container that the axies are in in the tank for about half an hour, adding a little of the tank water every five minutes or so, but maybe I'm over cautious :)
mine came in a gallon jug with the top cut off and about an inch of water in the jug. I just poured them in the new tank and they have been just fine :)
yeah I did it the fish way too. it's more so to get them used to the temperature difference than water quality because they are pretty forgiving animals when it comes to ph, hardness and the like.
At the very least, sit them next to the tank to let the temperatures even out.I'd say for about 30 min.
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mine came in a gallon jug with the top cut off and about an inch of water in the jug. I just poured them in the new tank and they have been just fine :)

If you meant you just grabbed the jug and dumped it in right away without even acclimating the temperature and dumping the last tanks water in you definitely should not do that.
If you meant you just grabbed the jug and dumped it in right away without even acclimating the temperature and dumping the last tanks water in you definitely should not do that.

Dumping water from a old tank into a new tank can spread disease from the old tank into your new tank. Also there will be a difference in temperatures, pH and ammonia levels. An sudden change in all three can shock your Axolotl. Killing it outright or weakening it so that it does become sick in the future.

Here is a link for the proper acclimation of fish. The process is the same for Axolotls. Freshwater Fish Acclimation - YouTube

I'm sure some people will say you don't have to do all that. You will hear"I never had any problems". Well some people are lucky and some are not. Take luck out of it and cycle you tank correctly and acclimate your animals properly. Give yourself a lot less headaches and do it right from the beginning.
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