within the UK, there are quite a few jobs - i believe any way. although not all of them work fully with herps there is always the op to work mostly with them
in the uk you can choose from
reptile and amphibians surveying - check out
www.herpetology.co.uk or your local reptile and amphibian group at
zoo keeper?
pet shop worker?
conservationist with most animals?
voluntary reptile stuff with herp con trust or other orgs.
i personally work as a reptile and amphibian surveyor. travelling the country basically looking for them and surveying for them, seeing their numbers and removing them from places- though this all goes towards building houses and office blocks which is the sad part of the job but at least you get to help save them in a way.
oh by the way whichever option you choose the pay will be <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> unless your mad clever ans run your own company then you'll do well!
Edited the froglife address from .co.uk to .org
(Message edited by aartse_tuyn on January 26, 2007)