I have a chinese fire belly from terrible conditions from a supplier. It is healthy now, finally got it eating, I fed it live blackworms every day. The worms make a huge mess in the tank and I HATE having to deal with live food. I want to switch him to frozen bloodworms, does anyone have any ideas? He spends most of his time in my plastic plants, anywhere from the top of the water, to 5 inches down, which has 11 inches of water total. He spends some time on the bottom.
I have a bare bottom tank and those small brown garden lids that people use, I also have a turkey baster and tweezers. He does not seem interested when I hold them in front of him. When I first got him I was able to get him to eat 2 bloodworms, in fact those were the very first thing I got him to eat, but he does not seem willing to eat them again.
Last night I tried dethawing a bunch, put them in a corner of the tank, I don't think he ate any of them but I cannot tell.
Any ideas on what I can do to get him to eat frozen bloodworms would be appreciated.
I have a bare bottom tank and those small brown garden lids that people use, I also have a turkey baster and tweezers. He does not seem interested when I hold them in front of him. When I first got him I was able to get him to eat 2 bloodworms, in fact those were the very first thing I got him to eat, but he does not seem willing to eat them again.
Last night I tried dethawing a bunch, put them in a corner of the tank, I don't think he ate any of them but I cannot tell.
Any ideas on what I can do to get him to eat frozen bloodworms would be appreciated.