Question: How to dechlorinate tap water for axies


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Aug 16, 2011
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United States
:confused:How do you dechlorinate tap water for axolotls i have never had fishes or axies so i dont know what to do. My axies are going to get here in the next few days so freaking out about the tank being ready for them.
I have a 20 gallon tank.
I have a tank Divider
I have some big pebbles (Not enough yet but ill get more
I have a filter
I have decorations
I am getting two juvenile axolotls(one golden albino, and one wild type)
Please help me to know what else i need and fast because they will probuably be here in the next 2 days:confused:
Hi! You can get dechlorinator from the pet store and it will have instructions for the amount to add to your water written on the bottle. And when doing water changes its best to add it to the bucket not the tank. You will also need a test kit as your tank will be cycling so it will be important to test the water frequently especially keep an eye on ammonia. Also a thermometer is useful for keeping an eye on the temp as they dont like it hot. Have you read through It has alot of information.
And congrats on getting your first axolotls in a couple of days im sure you will enjoy them!
I'd like to add one more thing

Save yourself work and heart ache and just don't do pebbles at all. Do sand or keep a bare bottom. Not only does food and poo get stuck between rocks and pebbles, causing water issues, they can be very dangerous to your axolotls if or when they get swallowed
Thanks i forgot to post the thermometer that i have but anyways. I wouldn't even really call it gravel more like Small rocks There's no way they can get them in their mouths
:D I read everything on and a few other places my dad read LOADS of stuff about them so i hope ill do OK
Where could i find a Test Kit?
Also i read that keeping water for 2-3 days before putting it in the tank dechlorinates it is there any truth to this or is it just the people don't know what they're talking about:p
Thanks again:D
If it's chlorine yes, if your tap water has chloramines then no.
Small rocks is still bad. It's amazing what they can fit into their mouths!
. I wouldn't even really call it gravel more like Small rocks There's no way they can get them in their mouths

Yes, that's what everyone says, until they get one stuck in their mouths.

Please, to save yourself a lot of pain and heartache, don't bother with the stones.

Use the search function on this site to see xrays of axies who have swallowed stones, you will be staggered to see how big they are.

ALways amazed that people come here and ask "Anything else i should know or do?" , then proceed to ignore or argue about the advice they are given by the people they ask.......

Don't do the stones. Axie can live a looooong time, and if you have stones it is only a matter of when, not if, they manage to ingest one.

ill take a picture of the rocks, but yeah ill probably take them out. now. the axolotls still ain't here because they didn't get shipped as soon as i though they would :kill: they are supposed to be shipped within the next few days. i ordered a golden albino and a wild type but the guy who is selling them got mixed up because he was traveling and so now i'm getting 3 axolotls:happy: because i he set aside a leucistic one instead of a golden albino. I am still getting a golden albino but it is missing an arm.:( oh well axolotls are awesome and regenerate to it will grow back:p.
Will you have enough room for 3 axies in the one tank? most people go by 10 gallons per axie. also they do regrow limbs but if u have a smaller tank and it will be squishy for 3, then u add an already injured axie that may cause alot of extra stress on the already injured axie....

also as already mentioned, the rocks are not just unsafe, but also make it a lot harder to keep the water clean as food and waste get trapped under them, also it makes it harder for your axies to get there food if it floats and sinks in-between them, causing stress on hungry axies and uneaten hidden food.... have you thought of what you are going to feed them? and how powerful is ur filter? does it cause alot of water movement? as that will cause stress for axies as well. and another thing do you have any way of keeping the water aerated? a air stone maybe? there's a lot of little things to think about and research before getting an axie like cycling your tank also, and as mentioned you will need a test kit i recommend a master test kit and you will also need a thermometer to keep an eye on the temp of the water. do you know what temps the tank should be?

i recommend you read everything on this site before your axies come home :)
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Where did you order them from? I can't find anywhere in the US I would trust to order axolotls from
I'm not sure where my dad ordered them from but anyways I have a thermometer as i said before the filter box says its a quiet flow 10 filter my dad is thinking i might get another 10 gallon tank just for the extra axolotl the only food thing i have is omega one freeze dried blood worms. I think they are coming tomorrow:talker:
Oh ok then i am about to go to school and my axolotls are supposed to get here today so ill ask my dad to go get some earth worms. i tried to read lots about axolotls before i even asked for them. but my dad read alot about them after that and he found some stuff i didn't learn so i thought it would be allright he said that i should get blood worms.:eek: so anyways i still dont know where to find a testing kit thingy.:eek:
Oh ok then i am about to go to school and my axolotls are supposed to get here today so ill ask my dad to go get some earth worms. i tried to read lots about axolotls before i even asked for them. but my dad read alot about them after that and he found some stuff i didn't learn so i thought it would be allright he said that i should get blood worms.:eek: so anyways i still dont know where to find a testing kit thingy.:eek:

Get a fresh water test kit at the pet store - - do not buy the gimmicky paper strip ones - - get a liquid test kit for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.
:D :D :D ok they came today my dad bought like 4-5 more bags of rocks (i don't know why) but most of the rocks are bigger that the entire axolotl. my dad got some water dechlorinater and now they are living in the tank. :D the one golden albino one isn't missing one arm , but instead its missing both of its arms. the wild type is the biggest and the leucistic one is the smallest. the leucistic one is the most active , followed by the wild type. :D they are so adorable i will have to post pictures!!! :happy: :D :D :D
i dont have a test kit yet but ill have to get one in the next few days.
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