how to culture?


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May 6, 2008
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United States
I was wondering how to culture springtails, starting from absolutely nothing. I live in NY state if that is of importance for catching them, but im clueless.
It may be possible to get them going from damp forest leaf litter. But it could be a hit-or-miss endeavor. You could get lucky and end up with springtails, or not.

Most people start a springtail culture by getting a starter culture, either from an online shop or from another hobbyist.
Knock on wood, I have some much larger native springtails started culturing. They are silver and at least 3 times the size of the white species, even larger than a newly hatched pinhead cricket.

Through some trial and error they are doing well on coconut pith and seem to be eating wet Sera Micron off the surface of dead leaves (or the mold that grows on it). After about 3 weeks there is a profusion of little springtails. Considering I started with about a dozen adults I think I'm off to a good start!

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