Question: How many Axololts can live comfortably in my tank?

The Banana

New member
Jan 1, 2011
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Sydney, NSW, Australia
I know, this is one of those questions that get asked again & again - sorry!

As per title, I would like to know how many axies can live comfortably in my tank.
It is 4ft long, and 400L/105.6Gallons. I think it's about 2ft wide.

I have a canister filter, keep ontop of water changes and temperature.. and there are plenty of hides (although I'm itching for a rearrangement!)

I currently have 3 adult axolotls living in it, with a 4th in QT.
If I had a tank like that I would probably keep arround 8 in there :) but I'm not sure if the +-40L for each axo also applies in larger numbers, I would actually like to have an expert opinion on that
I do know as long as the water is kept in good conditions it's basically a matter of space and not if your cycle can handle it or not
if your water is kept in good condition it means your cycle can handle the bioload. I don't know if I would put 8 in there, but I think you could definitely get away with at least 4
6-10 adults as long as you keep up on water changes.
In extreme circumstances I had to house 3 axolotl in a 2ft tank for a few months, but there were no issues. They all seemed to get along and were all very healthy. (they are now in 2 3ft tanks for girls and boys.)
So as long as your filtration is sufficient and you provide plenty of hiding spaces (which I'm sure you will) you could probably comfortably house 4-5 axolotl in a 4ft tank. Adding hides and other 'dividing' objects can increase the amount of surface area available to the axies making your tank have various levels for them to rest and play on and increasing the number you can house.(of course too much will just congest the tank and make it hard for them to move)

hope that helps
I have a 4 ft tank with four adult axies in it no problem! i do have to do weekly water changes and clean the filter regular how ever. i think its just a matter of keeping the water clean and keeping them all full!
Ha ha ! we've answered from 4 to 10 - i don't think we helped :)
i have 4 in my 4 foot, but mine only around 200L, so i'm assuming yours must be longer and have a lot more floor space. Start off small and see how many you are comfortable with increasing.
If it's a 4x2ft tank, you would have 8ft of floor space, and as it's supposed to be 1 axie per foot, I suppose the official answer would be 8.

I'd probably put 6 into that tank, but then I like to put a lot of hides and things in my tanks which restricts the floor space somewhat.
I have 4 in my 128L now and what I did was devide the tank in half, half of wich I used for plants wich I positioned so they could get on top and inbetween them for cover, then there is a large polyester woodlike tunnel wich can fit 2 adult axies for shelter
The other side I left quite open so they have some swim and stretch space, this is the place they mostly are at night
The cycle is doing fine but I think the 1 axie per foot is a very nice guideline!
Arround 8 would be nice and safe to in terms of the bioload
Also the starting small is very smart :) expanding your numbers is something you can always do a little later
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