how many axies could I have in my tank?


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May 7, 2007
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My tank is 90cm long, 25cm wide and 45cm high or in inches it is 36 long, 17.5 high and 14 wide. I am not sure if the inches is right because I only use centimeters. I have one female axie in there now and I was wondering if i could get another 2 axies. I have fixed all the problems I used to have and now I have lots of plants and hiding places and I have enough worms to feed a few axies. I also have a smaller fish tank that I can use for the other axies before they go in my big tank. So how many axies can I put in my tank?
tank size

Hello Stephen...
I think the golden rule with keeping Axies is allow 18 inches of tank length for each axolotl(adult), so in a 3ft tank it would be 2 axies.:D
Hi as becky says 18 inches per axie is a good ratio. I have Three axies in a 95cm x 35cm x 45cm tank and there is plenty of room.
Some say you can keep a pair of adults in a 10 to 15 gallon tank with good filtration. A tank of that dimension is about 40 gallons. 4 adult axolotls should be no problem.
I am a bit confused. you all said I could have different numbers of axies in my tank. Can I have 2, 3 or 4?
My tank is similar size 90cm x 35cm x 45cm high, I only keep 2 axies, one 25cm long the other 18 cm long; having anymore than 2 with plants (floating or potted) hides etc. seems a bit tight for them to be active at all! Mine like to swim though.

Stephen take a look at the axolotl site which is connected with this will find the link at the top of the main page, there you will find information on the housing of axolotls and this should help you to decide:D.....personally i would only keep 2 adult axies in a 3 ft tank as i feel they need a bit of space to swim .
ok i will just get one more axie then. How big does the tank have to be for my new axie to stay in before it goes into my tank?
It depends on the size of your new axie Stephen, is it an adult or baby?
The number you can fit in a tank depends on many factors besides the tank size. How deep is the water? What kind of filter(s) do you use? Do you have test kits to check the ammonia level? How diligent are you (and will you be in the coming years) about cleaning up waste and doing water changes? My answer to the "how many" question would depend on all of these.

Regarding how big of a tank you need for a quarantine of just one axie, it depends on how often you want to change the water. If you do a 100% change daily, it could be quite small, like a bucket.

The number you can fit in a tank depends on many factors besides the tank size. How deep is the water? What kind of filter(s) do you use? Do you have test kits to check the ammonia level? How diligent are you (and will you be in the coming years) about cleaning up waste and doing water changes? My answer to the "how many" question would depend on all of these.

Regarding how big of a tank you need for a quarantine of just one axie, it depends on how often you want to change the water. If you do a 100% change daily, it could be quite small, like a bucket.
As u have read in all the different formas u have posted.
Are you talking adult or babies/Min 18 square inchs per adult /Eg 2 Adults fit in a 2th tank.
But saying this /how deep it water level/what kind of filter do u have.
Are u doing a spot clean on a daily basis /to clean up poo also,as well as left over food.
If you are getting a new axie/it will have to go thru quarantine for at least 30 days,in a different tank.
Really How diligent are you willing to be/as i have found out these are not easy animals to look after /but saying this all you have asked have been in prior threads/.
Stephen read all you can/prior threads are the way to go.
That way what ever you decide to do/at least you have the info needed.
Regards /Catherine.​
I have one adult axie now and I am planing on getting another adult one around the same size. I have enough filters in my tank. I have an underground filter, a corner filter and this other filter. The water is 40cm deep. I have another tank which is around 30cm long, 15cm wide and 24cm high. That tank would be used for the 30 day quarantine. How often would I have to change the water and how much water would I change each time in that tank?
Sorry i dont know,
Kapo or any one to the rescure,
I really think 3 filters in one tank that size is a very bit extreme.
Why are u using a under ground filter/i only use them in my tropical and fresh water tanks,as they need a heavy substrate of gravel to work at maximun effect,as in your prior threads every one has told you gravel is a (no no) for axies.Bare tank bottom is way to go.
That size tank i would up water level ot at least 45 to 50 cms.
I f you cant afford a good filter /a corner one is ok/i use them in my 3 quarantine tanks/but dont wash out out in clear water,as it upsets bio.
Just make sure you have a good charcoal /or bio filter medium between layers of wool.
if you want if using corner filter / use air stone as well / but leave it close to surface of tank.
Tank for Quarantine is ok/but why are you asking about water changes,as for all your posts this has been answered/cheak water quality and adjust as needed.
I do a weekly check on all my tanks/eg sat morning/and adjust as needed.
These axies are in our care stephen /so why not read all you can/we all have had troble with them / but a few of us learn from reading all posts about them.
Yes, 3 filters might be overkill, it depends on what the 3rd one is. And gravel is a no-no if there is even the most remote chance of it being swallowed.

For the quarantine tank, I would suggest changing half of the water daily.
I have to have an underground filter because I have large stones so that gets all the stuff out of the rocks. I clean the underground filter out every 2 weeks. I have three filters because I used to have fish in my tank and now I have an axie.
Stephen, do you also lift the filter plate and clean underneath, as waste also builds up beneath that which can lead to a water quality problem, some of which you've had off and on for months.

Have you now got the Freshwater test kits for the ammonia, nitrite or nitrate, or are you continuing to rely on taking tankwater to the petshop. Nothing wrong with that as long as you are aware that you should really keep a record of any water testing, and make sure you get the figures and not just accept it's normal from the petshop person. Then if there is a continual problem with any future axolotls you keep and it's not temperature related, that it may very possibly be waste beneath the plate.

I understand from previous threads/posts you've posted in the past that your parents prefer this substrate, but are you really ready for another axolotl?

You should give it more time not just a month or two but several months, wait till the summer is over - you've already had two axolotl deaths (which may have been water quality and/or temperature related which caused them to develop fungus).
I forgot about the temperature getting really hot here. It was 30 something today and it is going to around that all week. I keep my water temperatures down to around 18 - 20 by putting three bottles of frozen water from the tank in the morning. Then in the afternoon I put in another 3. I am going to wait till winter to get my new axie. I think the heat and the stress of going into a new home might make it get fungus. That is what happened to my first one that died. When I clean out the filter plate I take the whole thing out and get all the waste out of underneith it.
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