i've ordered a ceacilian, but the mail order company made a mistake so it have to stay in their mail storage over the weekend. it has aproximately 1,5 liters of water and equal of air. it's fairly samll, about 25 cm (10 inches).
will it survive until monday? i'm really worried. i mad a mathematical solution of this and found that if it uses both air and water and breathes air about one time during a 8-10 interval it will surivive for at least 3 day up to 5 days. is this correct or will it suffocate?! answers until monday will be appreciated
will it survive until monday? i'm really worried. i mad a mathematical solution of this and found that if it uses both air and water and breathes air about one time during a 8-10 interval it will surivive for at least 3 day up to 5 days. is this correct or will it suffocate?! answers until monday will be appreciated