How long does a juvenile Chinese fire belly newt have gravely skin?


New member
Mar 19, 2010
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New Zealand
Well, my 2 Chinese fire belly newts, Milo being 4.3 cm long with smooth skin (litle bit of bumps), and Newton being 4.5 cm long with very gravely skin. Newton looks identical to the newt in the thread named ''After 8 months...''

So, my question is, how long will they stay in this stage of being terrestrial? Qutie frankly, it's annoying me a bit, thinking about the sudden change of terrestrial to aquatic, how I'm going to know I'm going to be on time to change the setup. Also, will using the whole volume of water be a stupid thing? Considering they do need land. Give me some ideas, reach out to me, brotha ;)


P.s. I understand this should be in the general questions forum, but if it has to do with a certain species, you have to give me a break. Also, no one looks at that forum!
I would change the setup so that it is largely aquatic, with just an island or two. This should force them into becoming aquatic. Be careful that they have easy access to the islands, in case they are a little young still to be aquatic.
They don't change suddenly. And once they are old enough, they can change back and forth, depending on the environment they are in. Sometimes you can force them, as John suggests, by putting them straight into deep water. Or you can do it more gradually by adapting them to a very shallow heavily-planted water setup and then raising the water level.

Posting in the wrong forum will just get your post moved.
They don't change suddenly. And once they are old enough, they can change back and forth, depending on the environment they are in. Sometimes you can force them, as John suggests, by putting them straight into deep water. Or you can do it more gradually by adapting them to a very shallow heavily-planted water setup and then raising the water level.

Posting in the wrong forum will just get your post moved.

So, they wont drown?

Because when I kept the tank completely damp with sphagnum moss, damp driftwood floating on top of the tank, and a water depth of round 6 inches, one of them climbed the glass.


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