Question: How do you ship or transport your axolotl eggs?


New member
Aug 6, 2019
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Azle, Texas
United States
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Several questions here.
How do you price your eggs?
What is the preferred method of packaging and shipping for eggs?
What container do you transport them in? (shipping and non)
How do you insure them make it alive?
How old should they be when you sell them?
What stage is best to sell or ship? Eggs, juvenile, or grown?
If you found aby information and would like to share, I'm currently dealing with the same struggle
I'm not an actual breeder so if someone else comes align obviously listen to them first but I learned quick. Last year we only had like a single clutch of about 80 eggs. This year We had over 750 eggs laid over the course of about 4 or 5 weeks. I sold about 600.

After watching a few different videos I ended up just doing the water bottle method because it seemed the safest and most cost effective. I shipped to about a dozen or so different people. 4 people had good results, one person didnt but ssid the packaging arrived fine. The rest didn't respond so I assume all went well.

What I used:

Empty water bottle
Ice packs
Shrink Wrap
Rolled fiberglass Insulation
Fish bags
Smallest priority box
Whatever's lying around to pack it.

What I did:

***Freeze your ice packs days in advance, They take like 24-48 hours to completely freeze. I ran into issues in my first two shipments and had to call my mom to save me

Fill water bottle halfway or so with tank water, add your eggs, fill to top and cap.

Place in a fish bag knotted and rubber banded.

Place bagged eggs into new bag with ice pack. Mainly just to keep them together to wrap faster because I never wear gloves and I hate fiberglass dust.

Cut enough insulation to fully wrap around contents. Shrink Wrap all sides and make sure you give it some good pulls so it compresses.

Ready to ship. You can fit this in smaller priority envelopes which I believe makes it a little bit cheaper, but I just like me a box. Put it in diagnolly, pack it tight, walk in with a smile so they don't ask to many questions and good to go. The price is always different, but US coast to coat priority for that box usually cost me between 12 and 18. It costs me about $3-4 on average to pack it after ice packs insulation etc.

Whether you want 5 eggs or 50, I usually ask for $25 flat. Im not trying to profit but I'm not going to eat money. If I get a higher shipping, I usually still stay ahead a buck or two and if it's a lower one, sometimes I'll make $8 or so. Chips in towards the upkeep. Feels pretty fair all the way around. I had 750 eggs in 4 weeks. Anyone whose asking for $0.50 an egg + shipping is a vulture. You're just saving me money from feeding them. I have about 120 tadpoles rn just getting their fronts. It's a lot for me aha. I feel better about asking for standard prices for juvies. I don't sell many online though, but I get a ton of store credit at places, gift a few away to some cute nerdy girls, and usually sell a few on local group forums.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1