How do you feed your Neurergus kaiseri

Sep 11, 2008
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I have recently adquired a pair of kaiseri.

I have tried with earth worms, frozen red mosquito larvae, and some acuatic insects, but I see no interest in them.

What do you use?

Note from John: Belongs in the help section, not the advanced section. I have moved it. Please be more careful in your topic choice in future.
I have recently adquired a pair of kaiseri.

I have tried with earth worms, frozen red mosquito larvae, and some acuatic insects, but I see no interest in them.

What do you use?

Note from John: Belongs in the help section, not the advanced section. I have moved it. Please be more careful in your topic choice in future.

It sounds as though you are forcing them to be aquatic. I believe this species tends to be more happy on land...I'd try to set up a temporary land type set-up and offer small crickets, wax worms, and maybe the small earthworms again to see if they will take them there. If not, contact your dealer and find out what they were feeding prior to sale. Sometimes newly aquired individuals won't feed until more acclimated to your set-up, and new home in general. Good luck!
Actually, I believe most keepers use semi-aquatic tanks (more water than land) for this species.
I suspect that they will eat those foods, they just need time to get settled.
Ok thank you very much

I'll do both things. First I have lowered the water level till the stones have become islands, to give more aerial surface. In one of these island I have put some caterpillars.

And I have also given them more time. Last time I did it with a girl, and I never saw her again. I hope this time will be different.

Lets see tonight.
My neurerguses lives in water only and eat heart of beaf or pork 2 kind in the week and food for fish "sera granumeet" 2-3 kind in week.

With best regards!!!
Lissotriton, those are pretty unnatural foods for your newts. Mammal meat is way too energetic for an staple food, plus they don´t really digest it properly. That food fish, i´d check it´s probably has a percentage of vegetable matter in it, which is very unhealthy for newts.

Felizycontento, where did you get your newts from? If they are WC they may take some time to get used to the new conditions.
Ok thank you very much

I'll do both things. First I have lowered the water level till the stones have become islands, to give more aerial surface. In one of these island I have put some caterpillars.

And I have also given them more time. Last time I did it with a girl, and I never saw her again. I hope this time will be different.

Lets see tonight.
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