New member
Hi, I was just curious as to how everyone got their first, or current Axolotl? We got ours who is a wild type from a kiosk at the mall where he/ she was marketed as a baby dinosaur. We have a special needs 3 year old who loves Dino's and I thought, hey what the hell it's like a fish right? WRONG! We have had " fluffy" for about a month and from this site learned how to care for it. He is in a 10 gal tank with a charcoal filter, plant hidey holes, large river rock bottom, small air pump and seems so happy. My husband thought it was a little odd we got something so exotic from a mall kiosk, so I want to ask where did you get your little friends? By the way, we are so glad we got him! (( always looking for pointers to make his life happier though so feel free to give some))