how can i keep my tank at the right temperature??


Axolotl Enthusiast
Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hi how can i keep my axies tank at the right temp?? i have a temperature guage but the tank keeps getting hot (20 to 22 degrees):confused:
you could try a fan blowing across the top of the water this is a commonly used method.
i know a lot of people in your country tend to fridge their axies for the summer as they also find it difficult to keep temp low.
Hi David, there have been many previous discussions of exactly this topic. If you to the Advanced Search box for this forum, and search for "temperature" (searching TITLES only) you'll find some.

Also, see
Hi David,

Your in Australia so its going to get hotter in the next month or so. 20 - 22c is getting towards the high end but its within safe parameters.

However I think you will need to look at a system for cooling your tank sooner rather than later. There are heaps of store bought and home made systems. You will find many of them if you go to the sites Jennewt suggested.

In the short term you can freeze some bottles of dechlorinated water and add them one at a time to your tank. Just remember that you will be adding to the overall water volume.

Good Luck
David, move the tank away from the heat/window. Move to the coolest part of the house, otherwise your axie will continually be stressed from fluctuating temperatures. While it has fungus, I would recommend you place it in the fridge - see your other thread in the sick axie forum:
I have a fan I bought from Ebay which cools the water bay about 4 degrees centigrade in a couple of hours, albeit in a small tank. Some fans you can get off Ebay have 4 or 6 fans rigged up together in one unit, they would probably do a lot of good in a hotter climate/bigger tank!
i have exactly the same problem! i live in england and i can't get mine below 20 degrees, with a fan blowing over it! :eek:
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