My hong Kong newt is in a 25 gallon...the water level is ten inches, and there is an overturned 4 gallon (tall) in the water, and the "top" serves as an island...does that make sense? (I'll upload a diagram) I have natural coloured gravel on the tank floor, and ontop of his island...the tank floor has about 2.5 inches of gravel, and the island has 1cm. The island has a lava rock (I beleive) on it, and some silk plants to hide the water area, there is a large piece of slate (I beleive) Positioned with another rock in such a way so that it creates a hiding place beneath it. There are also many plastic and silk plants, but I'm going to be switching to live plants as soon as I can afford it. I usually have a filter in the tank, but had to give it to the goldfish when I removed them from the newt tank. When I get paid, I plan to buy an In-tank Whisper Filter.
My hong kong newt is definitley not a picky eater. I hand feed him crickets, and he eats bloodworms out of a tiny dish, on land, that I hold in front of him. He'll eat anything if it sits in front of his face long enough.
EDIT: That caresheet you provided says that they are fully aquatic, and that if they come up on land, there's something wrong with newt goes up onto his land area quite a bit, and I'm quite sure that he's very healthy.
(Message edited by ccgerbilclan on March 14, 2005)