Hi all! I've recently (on Feb 16) inherited a couple axolotls in a 20 gallon tank from a colleague who didn't have time to care for them. The previous owner indicated that the axolotls had some white spots that might be ammonia burn. I did a 75% water (mostly to make the tank light enough for transport) when we brought them home. I measured their ammonia on Friday and it came up as at least 6 ppm. I've done a 50% water change each day since and have been removing any detritus on the bottom each day. My ammonia is still measuring in the 3-6+ range (I have strips and can't really tell if it's the 3 or 6 ppm color, but either way VERY high). The other tank values are as follows: Nitrate=0, Nitrite=0, GH PPM=150, Chlorine=0, KM ppm=40, pH=6.8. I put ammo lock in yesterday to hopefully minimize the actual ammonia (vs. ammonium). I had to get a new filter when we brought them home, so maybe it's a lack of good bacteria to convert the ammonia? They did maintain their substrate though I did have to clean the entire tank as it doesn't appear their waste had been cleaned in ages... I have no real idea how to handle the and only want to make them happy and comfy in their new home. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and hopefully I can get this under control soon.
As a note they seem to be okay. They've been sleeping during the day and a little more adventurous in the evening and have eaten when fed.
As a note they seem to be okay. They've been sleeping during the day and a little more adventurous in the evening and have eaten when fed.