Hiding too much / very shy


New member
Mar 12, 2011
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United Kingdom
Since I moved my 3 Axolotls into their new tank they seemed to be very happy apart from 1 of them, the environment is stable and they have a supply of fresh food each day, but one of them has been acting strange. He was fine before in this temporary tank, but after being moved into the big tank he became more timid

He (wild type) has been at the back of the tank behind a large stone, never moves very much and if he does he gets scared and runs back behind the stone, at night time the other 2 play, they swim around, hunt for food and scramble over obstacles and seem to be having fun while the other one sulks in the corner

I am just concerend he has become stressed or has some sort of problem. I drop some food near him, so he doesn't have to work hard to find it.

I was wondering if my sisters 2 kids might of scared him, because they have been staying in my house for a while and are always making loud noise and looking at them, i think maybe that is why, but i'm not sure.

anyway, thanks for reading
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How long has it been in its new tank? I find that some of mine will take up to a week to calm down and start behaving normally.
How bright is the light in the area your tank is set up?

Generally speaking Axolotls are not big fans of bright light of any kind. They like it dim. The dimmer the better in my opinion.
Hi, thanks for your replys,

The tank has been up and running for about 3 weeks now

I have taken the lights off that the tank originaly came with, and left the top of the tank open with one small 8" blue LED strip which is very low lighting

I did notice today he was moving around the front, but not for very long, i will keep an eye on him thanks
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