Hibernate red bellied toads


New member
Jul 3, 2015
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Mykonos, Greece
Hello everybody
i would like to ask if somebody could tell me how to hibernate my toads ?
i have an outside setup and till now i keep them in 1/3 land / water.
in greece now the temprature is about 18 c.
thanks for your msg
i have orientalis and variegata..

Hold bombina variegata is not legal on my country so I cannot help about that because I know very little. Regarding bombina orientalis is too hot 18C, you should gradually lower the temperature to go on 5-6 C but you have to lower it gradually, during such period you should overfeed them but not too much. for gradually I mean you should use a month to reach those temperature. And obviously they should have some moss and some substrate to dig and go under that. They usually remain on brumation for 3 months. After those 3 months you should raise the temperature about 1C at day until they reach 21/22 C. After those you should sightly overfeed them and spray water much more frequently then before until they successfully have the intercourse and lay the egg.
I can see the value of brumation for the two European species, but is it really necessary for orientalis? Many people appear to keep them at room temperature year round and do no more than feed extra and do a cold water change or provide a rain chamber to condition them for breeding
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I can see the value of brumation for the two European species, but is it really necessary for orientalis? Many people appear to keep them at room temperature year round and do no more than feed extra and do a cold water change or provide a rain chamber to condition them for breeding

It isn't necessary, bombina live perfectly without it and as long as one who did it. But if they don't do brumation they rarely breed. It is useful to stimulate their "desire".
my fire bellies toads are all the time in breeding mood but no eggs are released........
i am really well feed them and i am doing the properly water changes....
the tem is 18 c ...
i am waiting and waiting
my fire bellies toads are all the time in breeding mood but no eggs are released........
i am really well feed them and i am doing the properly water changes....
the tem is 18 c ...
i am waiting and waiting
My pair were like this recently. I put them in a bucket with about an inch of water and some floating weed. After a few days they still hadn't spawned so i added more cool water to simulate fresh rain. After about nine days of amplexus i changed almost all of the water and when it had reached about 21 to 22c they spawned during the night
...about 70 eggs. Most tadpoles have hatched now and are doing well. Try a big water change, then warm them up a few degrees...good luck!
thank you very much for your reply......i wish you to enjoy your tadpols nurture !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope to be at the same situation with you very very soon....
and please give me tips how to care for tadpols and froglets....thanks again.
thank you very much for your reply......i wish you to enjoy your tadpols nurture !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope to be at the same situation with you very very soon....
and please give me tips how to care for tadpols and froglets....thanks again.
The tadpoles are getting some algae wafer and a colour enhancing tropical fish food. I plan to try sinking cat fish pellets too when they are older and needing more protein. The water temp is at 22 to 23c and they are doing well. I am going to culture whiteworms now to have some ready for the froglets, but will also feed them tiny crickets fed on the colour rich flake and will probably try it crushed and dusted over some cut up earthworms for them too. This is the first time i've bred Bombina, so i will let you know how things go...
Keep your B. orientalis and B. variegata seperated when breeding though as they can hybridize and this is not desirable
thank you really much for your informations i need them couse here in greece no many care about amphibians...
of course i seperate my frogs i dont like crossbreed
how you keep the eggs and tadpoles?
do you use filter ???
you took the eggs out of the parents in a special dedicated place ?
did you change the water ?
how often do the frogs spawn ?

soory for all theese questions .
The parents were removed a day after they stopped spawning and were returned to their own tank. The spawn hatched in the bucket about four days after it was laid. Two days later the tadpoles were put in a 60cm aquarium with water about two inches deep, at about 22/23c. About 50 tadpoles hatched and all have survived so far. A little fresh water at the same temperature is added everyday. The tadpoles are feeding well on algae and a fish flake for enhancing the colour red. They grow rapidly and are swimming strongly now, so i have added a sponge filter run off a small air pump. This won't cause too much turbulence in the water to disturb them and won't suck them in like a canister filter could. As they get bigger i will do more regular water changes.
The adults can spawn several times a year if conditions are right. My female was still fairly plump with eggs even after spawning, and is even bigger now, so she may spawn again in a few weeks.
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