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May 7, 2007
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Megan Wright
leg problems!

Hi, as a new member, I really hope that you can help. I have kept axys for about 3 years now, learning as I went, so I am very glad to now be able to visit this forum for advice.

I have an adult male axy who was injured a while ago through receiving a bite to his leg. This healed, but he tends to drag the leg rather than use it. Any ideas?

(Message edited by sunshinemeg on September 22, 2005)
Sounds like it just healed wrong. Not much can be done about it really, unless you want to take his leg off, and see if he re-grows a better one... But I don't know who'd really want to do that.

One of mine has a funny back leg that she can't use because it healed wrong after an injury. It doesn't seem to bother her though.
I really dont want to hurt him. I thought when it happened that it would die back and then he would re-grow a better one, but he must have a fast healing mechanism cause it was healed in a few days, just seems he doesnt have much feeling with it. oh well. Thanks for the advice.
Don´t do anything to the leg, one of my axies have a strange leg too, he drag one of he´s leg and he have some trouble with his leg on the beginning but now he is used to it. that´s part of axies nature.
Im glad he isnt upset about it then. Thankyou for the advice. I am actually sat next to the tank while I write this, and he uses the leg while swimming, but when he walks he drags it. Interesting. Got to go feed them now! byee
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