Hi I'm new here, I'm 13 years old and I live in Middletown CT (USA) I like herps and have ferret my IQ is 116(i think) and I have just basically said everything in the register page
lol. WELL... I have gone through many herps that I've wanted to keep(well actually just 2) the thing is that I have fallen in love with newts...They are awsome and its very nice to see people so interested in caudates(sp?)
I really liked triturus carnifex (Alpine Crested Newt) but seeing that it isn't available In my local petstore I'm now looking into the Cynops orientalis (Chinese Fire Bellied Newt) Well I was wondering how many I can keep in a 20 gallon tank, I would like 2 maybe 3 (2 sounds better)I wanna keep a mild/heavly planted aquarium with one of those islands that stick to the sides of the tank and a good sized hideout/ornament. I was also wondering if I can keep them with a 5 to 10 neon tetras.soooo YEP!
I really liked triturus carnifex (Alpine Crested Newt) but seeing that it isn't available In my local petstore I'm now looking into the Cynops orientalis (Chinese Fire Bellied Newt) Well I was wondering how many I can keep in a 20 gallon tank, I would like 2 maybe 3 (2 sounds better)I wanna keep a mild/heavly planted aquarium with one of those islands that stick to the sides of the tank and a good sized hideout/ornament. I was also wondering if I can keep them with a 5 to 10 neon tetras.soooo YEP!