Hi everyone! Im new here but not to aquariums, I have a planted 20g, a cichild community 55g a 30g goldfish community and a 5.5g newt setup. My questi



Hi everyone! Im new here but not to aquariums, I have a planted 20g, a cichild community 55g a 30g goldfish community and a 5.5g newt setup. My question is about the newts. Since I bought them on ffriday night (today being Monday) They havent climbed off the driftwood I placed them on. So im not sure if they are eating at all! I have the tank half full with plants for them to hang off of and a large peice of driftwood for them to sit and sleep on. Why havent they climbed into the water yet? are the nocturnal? I have no heater on the tank because i read they dont need it. Any help PLAESE!!!thank you.
well, first thing you might want to do is find out exactally what kind of newts they are. You can do this by comparing pictures at http://caudatecentral.caudata.org/
Just look under the species data.
When you've matched them, then do some web searches, or stay on the same site and find out more about your newts.
Different species have different needs.
Also, they may be a bit stressed out from the move, so that may account for their inactivity.
Also, here's a question...
What are you feeding them?
There could be a few other factors as well.
They may have eaten during the night, as some newts don't like to be seen eating.
And finally, they may honestly be ill. Where did you get them from?
Try offering live worms like earthworms, waxworms, bloodworms, etc. Frozen worms would be fine too.
Please keep us advised of the status.
They are chinese fire belly newts. Ive seen one of the moved across the tank today on a plant, and the other had his head up and out of the plants. so i geuss they are coming around. I left some blood worms on the driftwood so they might happen to eat them. Should I get some small feeders or shrimp, will this entise them? I got them from a lfs that is very highly respected, if they have a little bit of an outbreak of something they doent sell anything from the tank or order anymore until everything is cleard up, so I am positive they are not going to be ill.(i hope) I am goin to try hand fedding with a lillte stick or soething tonight, Ill let you know the turnout!
Chris, if ur newts won't eat in the water, they most prob won't eat on land. The best so far is still live foods (especially bloodworms). Others will say live chopped earthworms are good but i've not tried em b4. They'll take a few days to settle down so don't worry if they not keen on food now. Btw, do check out the orientalis care sheet.

Chris, it sounds like you'll be ok. If the hand feeding goes well, then all is good. If it doesn't don't give up hope. Just put the bloodworms in the water and walk away. They'll eat when it's time.
thanks guys! Do you know of any sites that have pictures of tank setups, I wantto get some ideas of what i could put in the tank to make it look more like there habitat. also what does Btw mean..sorrry lol
Btw = by the way

and if you search this message board some more, you'll find pictures of setups right here.
I don't have mine posted right now, but other people do.
What I have in my tank is sand, a rock ledge made of slate slabs in a corner covered with moss, and a mixture of fake and live plants. Don't worry about making it look exactally like where they came from, as they are captive bred and wouldn't know the difference.
the set up is more for me! I want them to be comfotable but I also want a nice looking aquarium, not an eye sore.
Did I read in another thread that you have a frog in that tank wih your CFBN's? If so, that might be a reason why they won't go into the water... maybe they're scared of it...
Will the frog really be that much of a problem? its an african dwarf frog and is very small and shouldnt get much bigger.
Frogs are known to injure newts. Even when they look cute and small. They are rivals.

But also consider this:
human beings have a lot of bacteria on them, some are bad, some are good. We couldn't live without them. Same for animals. But it's tricky, you see, there's a reason why you can't put goldfish and tropical fish in the same tank. It's not temperature, cause that could work out fine for some species; it are the bacteria. Bacteria on goldfish harm tropical fish and vice versa. Algae eaters are luckely an exception, they can do fine in both tanks.

Anyway, to get to my point. Even if your frog doesn't harm your newts in an aggressive way, his bacteria might still make the news ill. And you don't want that to happen. Take no risks.
I keep mine in a 5 gal tank with a bow filter with 3 ferns and no substrate. I have suctioned 2 cork pads inclined at an angle and covered with taiwan moss for the newts to climb out to sleep (they sleep in water also). No substrate=efficient cleaning for me. Btw, i also have an oto in the tank to clean up algae and fungi.

do newts not eat plants? I would love to fully plant the tank for them to hide or hang out on.
newts and more that matter most adult amphibians and newly morphs are strictly carnivores. So plant ur tank with extreme prejudice.

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