Hi all, need frog help


New member
Apr 1, 2008
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United Kingdom
hi i am new to hobby but not new to the exstensive research that i do before set up,i have kept marine and tropical fish for about 17 years before just recently given up and have decided on dart frogs as i have always been interested in them i have also kept reptiles and fire bellies for a number of years so not a complete newbie.i have done some research already but would like to have any info that would benefit me before setting up,my first criteria is to have a tank in living room that can be planted for a show tank will be about 35gal can be max of 40 width will be 23" height 21" could vary depending, depth 15" could also vary, species must be bold and be able to be kept in a group. i have decided on d.leucomelas as i am just starting.
i would appreciate any help to see if i am starting off in the right direction also could anyone recommend where i can get them from that is more interested in the welfare of these fantastic frogs rather than making a fast buck.
hope someone can help, paul area devon.
Hi Paul, I've moved this post here to the frog area. Sorry, I don't have any experience with frogs.
hi many thanks, getting to quite a bit now
hi, yes have found it but still waiting to access site,must be busy
many thanks though paul
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