Hello everybody I am a newbie.
I have kept axolotls when I was a little younger and would like to buy another one.
I just have a few questions
1)Whats the minimum dimensions for 1 or 2 adult axolotls?
2)Is it best to keep them 100% aquatic or should I also provide a dry land area?
3)What is a good staple diet for an axolotl?
4)Do they require a heater? My area can get pretty cold in winter and pretty damn hot in summer
5)What is a good substrate for them?
6)Do they require airstones/airators? Or is the current from a good internal filter enough?
7)What are their light requirements?
8)Is a filter turn over rate the same as an aquarium? 4 times the tanks capacity?
That's all I can think of now, Sorry for all the questions.
All help appreciated
I have kept axolotls when I was a little younger and would like to buy another one.
I just have a few questions
1)Whats the minimum dimensions for 1 or 2 adult axolotls?
2)Is it best to keep them 100% aquatic or should I also provide a dry land area?
3)What is a good staple diet for an axolotl?
4)Do they require a heater? My area can get pretty cold in winter and pretty damn hot in summer
5)What is a good substrate for them?
6)Do they require airstones/airators? Or is the current from a good internal filter enough?
7)What are their light requirements?
8)Is a filter turn over rate the same as an aquarium? 4 times the tanks capacity?
That's all I can think of now, Sorry for all the questions.
All help appreciated