Here's one I made earlier...



I wanted to make a tank with a platform structure as they allow maximum use of space. I’ve never been a fan of using silicone to stick structures directly into the tank, the main reason being that you can’t ever use that tank for anything else. So I came up with this idea. It’s a free standing set of platforms and ramps made out of acrylic sheeting. The main land area has retaining walls to hold soil and the platforms are held up with 2 tubes with bases.

And here it is in the tank

Add some substrate

Then some decor...



It's a long way from being finished (yes the water is cloudy - it's just gone in!). I might even put some real plants in there at some point. Hope it gives you some ideas. Now I'm off to make a newt proof lid...
This is really nice looking Mark. I've been meaning to remodel my karelinii tank after the shelf idea kind of didn't work as well as I'd like.
Wow Mark, what an excellent idea regarding the unattached platform structure!! Your tank looks wonderful! It's always great to see such inventive new ideas here on the site! I'm sure your newts will love it! Good luck!
This is amazing!
such a great idea with a good use of space!
Im entertaining the idea of designing a enclosure similar to this... my husband LOVES it! Anyways... we were wondering what you used to cut the plexi-glass?

I'm in awe. I've had ideas along these lines for a long time, but I've never actually tried to construct something like this. Absolutely brilliant!
Thanks folks. Ellena, cutting plexiglass isn’t too difficult. In true male fashion I had a go with every power tool known to man before discovering it was best using a bog standard hand saw. The problem with power saws and jig-saws etc is that they cut so fast that the plastic melts and sticks together again after the blade has past through. A hand saw doesn’t generate the same heat and so you end up with a nice clean cut – it takes a little longer though. You have to clamp the plastic so that there is no movement when you cut it (use G-clamps, and padding if you don’t want to scratch it). The more firmly the plastic is clamped the less chance there it will splinter/crack. You’ll need a file to smooth off the edges before gluing too.

I’ll post some updated pictures of the tank when the planting is more mature.
You can buy a plexiglass cutter at any hardware store. It looks like a pistol grip with a big razor blade on the end. You just get a straight edge and score a line 5-6 times. You then line the score up with the edge of a table or work bench and push down on the overhanging part with a rapid downward motion. The plexiglass will snap right on the line. Its kind of tricky the first couple times but you dont end up polishing the edges from the saw blade. Its the easiest way trust me I do it every day.
What kind of newt would you keep in there Mark? Also, did you just grab those leaves off the ground from any old tree, or what? I'm hesitant to use leaves and moss I find outside, because you never know what's crawling around in them.
Fantastic tank
Hi Simon, I don’t have any newt species in this enclosure at the moment however I will use the platforms for my Triturus after their winter cooling and remove them once they are fully aquatic. This set-up could be used permanently for any species that is semi aquatic.

Using leaf litter and moss from outdoors is a risk but it’s one I’m prepared to take at the moment. You can never be 100% sure you’re not introducing pathogens or disease by using wild collected materials. If you live in an area where there are confirmed cases of amphibian disease I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ve never experienced a problem in 14 years of keeping newts – just be careful where you collect your leaves/moss from to avoid pesticides and fertilizers. Some leaves, such as oak have a high tannin content which prevent them from rotting quickly.
Ah. That means almost anything I collect here in NM will not, chances are pose any danger to my sals.
Thanks Mark- once again fantastic tank
This looks so innovative.. After a few months of use, do you have any observations or experience you could report?
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