Amazing set up! How many do you actually have? Do you breed them, or are you an axo-holic like all of us are and just have all that space? :lol: very jealous!
Amazing set up! How many do you actually have? Do you breed them, or are you an axo-holic like all of us are and just have all that space? :lol: very jealous!
I'm not sure how many I have as I'm hatching out new babies daily right now, lol. But my forever guys number about 60. Focusing on my golds, caramel, and dirty faceds. My husband and I decided to devote a good amount of our basement to our fish and axies.
That's Midas, his first batch of babies hatched a week ago... I'm waiting to see how many share his beautiful gill structure. He's like the Fabio of my little axie corner
These are the twins I got from an older unique lady I borrowed from a friend crossed with my gold male Midas. After they produced so many twins, I'm going to send her back and make sure she doesn't breed again. I have each set now in their own container so I can monitor their progress.
This is the mama of the eggs that should hatch in a couple days. She is eithe a melanoid albino, or an axathic albino.Most of her babies look like they'll be glowers.
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