Just got about 2 dozen axie eggs through the post from another user. Due to the lack of axolotls in my area i had to buy them off ebay, poor blighters! but they seem to be in good condition, looking a little like kidney beans at the moment.
I am a complete novice to axie keeping, have had goldfish for years, so thought I'd branch out, axies are just so adorable
However, I don't want blood on my hands, so I was wondering if anyone could help me out and give me a few tips on raising them? They're in a 10 G tank,+I'm planning to feed them on daphnia when they hatch out. Can anyone give me some tips on cycling? would it be okay just to start out with a clean, dechlorinated tank and do regular water changes? I've had a few disasters with goldfish in the past, and I figure eggs/ larvae will be particularly vulnerable to chemical changes.
Hopefully its the start of a long and happy term of axie keeping, if I can navigate the first stages!
I am a complete novice to axie keeping, have had goldfish for years, so thought I'd branch out, axies are just so adorable
Hopefully its the start of a long and happy term of axie keeping, if I can navigate the first stages!