Helps identify my Chinese newts


New member
Mar 14, 2014
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Identify genus and species

hola amigos, primero quería disculparme por mi traductor comprensiblilidad texto ya que el uso .. y en segundo lugar yo quería dejar algunas fotos de mis tritones de los podais ver y decir como se les llama. He tratado sin éxito de identificar en otro foro y que estaba dirigida a esta página web. Me dijeron que este lugar recibiría posiblemente mejor información. Espero que me entiendan y vean e identifiquen podais mis tritones porque soy muy curioso saber su identificación. gracias
hello friends, first wanted to apologize for my text comprensiblilidad translator since use .. and secondly I wanted to leave you some pictures of my newts for the podais see and say as they are called. I have tried without success to identify them in another forum and I was directed to this website. I was told that this place would receive possibly better information. I hope they understand me and see and identify podais my newts because I'm very curious to know their identification. thanks

Welcome to the group.
Could you add a picture or a link to a picture so we can see :D
PleaseView attachment 36232View attachment 36233View attachment 36234 uploadfromtaptalk1394881876765.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394881929806.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394881963806.jpg

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Hello I am trying to put pictures from and can not. with Tapatalk not get it. give me a little time and patience to get this resolve. thanks
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The pictures work fine! As for the newts, they look like Hypselotriton orientalis. They have the unusual mottled colouration but I'm pretty certain that's what they are. At first glance they looked a bit like H. cyanurus but they always seem to have an orange spot behind their eye whereas yours don't. Maybe somebody more experienced with Hypselotriton will confirm what I think.
That´s essentially what i told him. There are some somewhat confusing traits like dorsal lines, spots and a belly that looks slightly unusual, but H.orientalis seems like the most likely ID. In some of the other pictures i´ve seen they look more orientalis than they do in this, particularly the males.
On several occasions I have noticed that H. orientalis are capable of adjusting their body color to their surroundings to some degree. Some individuals more so than others. The white sand that is used as substrate by Mortenson may be the cause for the unusual light coloring of his H. orientalis. Keeping them in darker colored surroundings reverses the proces within an hour or so. My guess is that they would look like normal H. orientalis after that.
The pictures work fine! As for the newts, they look like Hypselotriton orientalis. They have the unusual mottled colouration but I'm pretty certain that's what they are. At first glance they looked a bit like H. cyanurus but they always seem to have an orange spot behind their eye whereas yours don't. Maybe somebody more experienced with Hypselotriton will confirm what I think.

I would say Cynops cyanurus, not C. orientalis
This is a variant I've seen in small numbers among W/C H.orientalis, and managed to scoop a few from among hundreds of imports. They often resemble H.fudingensis, so I remain unsure of a final ID, but treat them as an interesting variant of orientalis for the moment.
I leave some of my photo more bugs and I appreciate your help to identify them. also apologize for the repeated photos.uploadfromtaptalk1394954473375.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394954494348.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394954533151.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394954548271.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394954590384.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394954622569.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394954667291.jpg

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Over on CC there is a photo on the H. orientalis care sheet with all the known colour variants, some of those animals are identical to these.
chinadog thanks. I find it a bit difficult to understand the translations and also am not familiar with some terms. what you mean by cc?
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ok thanks again for the help .. I've been looking at photos of hypselotriton orientalis caudata culture and do not see the same as mine ... I put more photos.uploadfromtaptalk1395051683758.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395051713528.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395051733962.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395051751268.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395051775644.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395051792348.jpg

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I made the photos without the flash on.uploadfromtaptalk1395051972895.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395051988413.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395052006449.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395052023747.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395052039250.jpguploadfromtaptalk1395052054309.jpg

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Hello friends do not know what happens to my comments and pictures ... three hours ago I have left the top 11 latest photos and do not see them published ... when I check the post also see any comments of mine works well edited ... web? there a problem?

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