Hi Axle,
If the skin is peeling, it sounds as if it may be a water quality issue.
Are you able to post a photo?
In order to assist you we are going to need more information than you have provided so far.
If you could answer the following, this will give us something to work with:
Do you test the water for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and pH? If so, what are the readings? If not, I would strongly recommend you have the water tested and advise.
Water quality is MOST IMPORTANT to the health of an axolotl. Ammonia and Nitrite are both highly toxic and any reading higher than '0' in either/or both of these can make an axolotl very sick, leading quickly to death.
What is the tank water temperature?
What size is the tank?
Is the axolotl alone in the tank? Or, does the axolotl have any companions?
If you could also run us through your tank maintenance and cleaning schedule this will enable members to assist you better.
Such as:
How often do you clean up after the axolotl/s? (Axolotls are very messy creatures).
Do you have any substrate in the tank? (Sand, gravel, or bare bottom tank).
How do you clean the substrate and how often?
How frequently are you conducting partial water changes and how much water are you replacing each time?
Are you using dechlorinator when doing water changes?
Have you added any chemicals to the water? (Such as fish medication, plant fertilizer, etc).
And lastly, welcome to the forum :happy:.