Question: Help!!


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Sep 11, 2011
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Can anyone help me how can i get my 3 day old alxoltols to eat?? Y
What kind of foods are you offering?
They need tiny livefood at that age and baby brine shrimps or baby daphnia are the prefered choices. Once added to the water the babies should snap them up readily. If they are not then you might have some other issues.

Regards Neil
I am trying to get them to eat live little worms
I am trying to get them to eat live little worms
What type of worms?
Larvae don't require food for 24-72 hours this may be why they are not eating yet, they may still be full from their egg yolk.
Have they got round belly's? Or pinkish red right sides?
I think they are called black worms? I got them from the pet shop they are aid it wazzup what they feed theirs an some of them do some of them don't?
At 3 days old I was feeding mine Baby Brine shrimp. They only have llittle mouths so the food needs to be tiny as well.
I'm pretty sure blackworms will be too big even if you do chop them up. They need much smaller food for the first few weeks.

Regards Neil
Maybe you should start a BBS hatchery ASAP. There is a thread on here just use the search button.
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