

Aug 29, 2010
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Many of you have probably heard of my one problematic Notophthalmus Viridescens. Well, he's back, and with more issues! Ever since I first got him, he would never go in the water. I know the water quality/temperature is fine because my other two newts swim in it. So, anyways, this is a problem for me because of feeding, because I have to tweezer-feed him, and it's quite challenging. He is quite underweight, thought I attempt to feed him twice a day. To make matters worse, he has been refusing to eat for the past 3 days! I've tried waxworms and redworms (his usual diet), along with frozen bloodworms, frozen glassworms, and frozen beefheart. He just backs away. He also is squinting his eyes a lot, to the point where they're nearly closed. He doesn't move very much and looks so unhappy. What can I do to get him active, in the water, and hungry like the other newts?
If it doesn't want to go in the water why not give it a little land set up. Isolate him. Feed small crickets, white worms (get them from Dawn), small isopods, small earthworms, small waxworms, etc. Give him a little hiding spot and don't poke at him. If he won't eat every day go a day or two without trying to feed him. Maybe he will get his appetite back.
He does have a land setup in the tank. How should I isolate him?
I'd maybe set him up in a pet pal or just feed him on land in the tank and give up on the water for a little. If he has a good secure hiding spot he might be more prone to eat in it.
A hiding spot is the one thing he doesn't have there. Okay I just looked over and he was making a bunch of jerking movements! What is up with this newt?!
Do you have live blackworms or something like that? If so, put a teaspoon of them in a small dish (like a small baby food dish or the like) and add a touch of water to let them keep active and to prevent them drying out. Also put a small hiding place for him. If I remember correctly he is just settling in and may be adjusting.

In terms of the jerking. I worked with a group where one actually became contorted and would twist and jerk in the water. I am not sure if this is the same thing but it ended up that she had an infection and antibiotics worked.

Just a note that the treatment protocol was supervised by a zoo vet.
I would be inclined to set up a little hide (or two!) on the land part and leave him to acclimatise and relax for a while.

I'm sure that when he feels more comfortable, he'll start taking an interest in food.

Is the twisting and jerking a sign that he's about to shed, do you think?

I can't see the benefit of medication/anti-biotics at the moment, as far as this goes, but that's a possibility, but there may be gentler options available, fingers crossed

(PS. I write this out of 'gut-feeling' rather than having any experience with the species:eek:)
I'll set up a couple hiding areas. Is there a reason why this happened to him?

(PS~I think he might have mental issues. When I first got him, he loved to climb the glass. I saw him fall 3 or 4 times right on his head, on a rock. )
Ok, I had this exact problem. A male noto that was terrestrial and wouldn't eat when i got him.

The advice is true, He probably is very stressed and possibly in a state of starvation. the best thing to do is probably try to make him comfortable on land with hides, or sufficient space. and you kinda just have to be patient with the feeding. I spent so many hours offering small worms to my guy and he only rarely ate at first, but after a while he became trained to eating from the foreceps and gained weight. and then shortly afterward became aquatic.

I had a juvie alpine newt once that was really underweight and did not make it even though i used the same treatment (except that she was aquatic). unfortunately, when a newt gets to the point of starvation it's tough for them to recover and sometimes they don't make thing I have noticed about feeding newts is that their eyes are sensitive to the wriggling motion that a worm makes. sometimes if you are feeding them worm pieces that don't wriggle they won't recognize it as food . . .
Ok, I had this exact problem. A male noto that was terrestrial and wouldn't eat when i got him.

The advice is true, He probably is very stressed and possibly in a state of starvation. the best thing to do is probably try to make him comfortable on land with hides, or sufficient space. and you kinda just have to be patient with the feeding. I spent so many hours offering small worms to my guy and he only rarely ate at first, but after a while he became trained to eating from the foreceps and gained weight. and then shortly afterward became aquatic.

I had a juvie alpine newt once that was really underweight and did not make it even though i used the same treatment (except that she was aquatic). unfortunately, when a newt gets to the point of starvation it's tough for them to recover and sometimes they don't make thing I have noticed about feeding newts is that their eyes are sensitive to the wriggling motion that a worm makes. sometimes if you are feeding them worm pieces that don't wriggle they won't recognize it as food . . .
He does look like he is in a state of starvation. I will set up hides. Are there any good foods for terrestrial picky eaters?
Here he is~


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