Put this in another section but this is more fitting!!!I am a new member who has had 4 female axies for 2 yrs and went out 2 months ago and got a male!!!(prob.very silly idea).We have since had two batches of eggs which hatched 3 weeks apart with an almost 100% successful hatching rate.They have thrived on a diet of home grown brine shrimp until yesterday when the older batch(now 4 weeks)started dying.They seem to have lost their balance and are going a milky white color(they were dk.grey).Very depressing as not sure what to do.Moved the healthier looking ones to own tank last night but they are starting to look unwell this am.We do regular water changes ph is fine.Any ideas or suggestions would be great.We love the site and it has been very helpful.Plus we love the photos of everybodies"babies"!!!!!Rachael