Help with sand



i´ve bought some aquarium sand , and in the package says that it´s ready to use , can some tell me should I trust it or should I just wash it. if I wash it should I put it in the oven too?
i just bought aquarium sand i washed a few times and then put it in the tank it came out beautiful if you leave it soak for a while it should help so that your sand doesnt float up or go everywhere when you add water
I always wash everything that goes into a tank to be on the safe side. My silver sand looked clean but when I washed it it was dirty. Ornaments and such can have dust on it.
thanks already washed it and it´s already in the´s a white spherical sand and it seems like had snowed in the axies tank
Dumb question - how do you wash sand? I keep trying but it all keeps going down the drain in the sink....kidding. Do you get a bucket and put the sand in it and pour water in it, let the sand settle and then pour the water out? I'm getting sand in a few hours so let me knowif you can.
Eric - I wrapped mine in a big beach towel a bit at a time washed it.

Others said they used a cloth rice sack. The rice sack sounds easier than the towel.
Oh.... I honestly NEVER would have thought of that. I think they have rice sacks in the supermarket....I'll hve to check seeing as I've never looked for one before. Thanks!
I use a cloth Rice Bag, but I had it because We eat a lot of asian rice since my husband is asian and that is where i got it. They only come with filled with rice as far as I know. You could use a bucket and just put a bit of sand in at a time and wash it in a cirlcing motion. I do this also ^_^
I put a couple of scoop-fuls in a bucket, set it in the sink, ran water over it, stirred it up a couple of times, for about 10 minutes. It worked fairly well.
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