Help With Plethodon Cinereus(Eastern red backed salamanders)



Questions About Eastern Redbacked Salamanders
1)What do the eggs look like and how do you hatch them(do they need incubation)?
2)How can you tell i}f they are female or male and if they like each other?
3)Do the eggs need to be kept moist?
4)How often do they eat(they are not eating earthworms,insects,etc.)?
5)Do the eggs need the mother salamander to be around?
6)If the Earthworms are bigger than the salamander it won't eat it right?
7)Does the food have to be live?
8)Do you put the food in the tank with the salamanders or do you hold it up to its mouth?
9)Can Salamanders from different places learn to get along with each other?
10)Will all the eggs hatch and how big do they have to be to be put back in with the others?
11)Do they have to be misted every hour or every day?
12)Can you buy there food at the pet store?
13)If a salamander has a hurt leg can it heal?
14)How long does it take for the tail to grow back?
2)Redbacked salamander males have enlarged upper lips around the Nasobial region and a mental gland under the chin.
12)Yea you can buy pinhead crickets and earthworms.
7)The food doesnt have to be live but the salamanders like it more when its live.
6)No you have to cut up the worms for it to eat.

Thats all i can answer hope you have luck finding out more.
Ok thanx now all I need to know is:
1)What do the eggs look like and how do you hatch them(do they need incubation)?

2)Do the eggs need to be kept moist?

3)How often do they eat?

4)Do the eggs need the mother salamander to be around?

5)Do you put the food in the tank with the salamanders or do you hold it up to its mouth?

6)Can salamanders from different places learn to get along with each other?

7)Will all the eggs hatch and how big do the juveniles have to be put back with the others?

8)Do they need to be misted daily or more often?

9)If a salamander has a injured leg does it heal?

10)About how long does it take for the salamander to grow its tail back?

Thats whats left of what i need to know thanx John.
no im not mixing species i mean same salamander different place
Well I doubt they will have to learn to get along with each other.They should be fine.There is probably nothing wrong with it unless you want to keep your sals locality specific.
Here are the only questions left to answer:
1)What do the eggs look like and do they need incubation to hatch them?

2)Do the eggs need to be kept moist?

3)How often do they eat?

4)Do the eggs need the mother salamander?

5)Do you put the food in the tank or hold it up to its mouth?

6)Will all the eggs hatch and how big do the juveniles have to be to be put back in with the others?

7)Do they need to be daily or more often?

8)About how long does it take for the redbacked salamander to grow its tail back?

Thats all i need to know..
Questions 1,2,3,4, and 7 are answered in that article.
5)If you want to handfeed worms then dangle.Or you can just drop in the food.In the wild there isn't someone standing over them with tweezers.
6)Not all eggs hatch.Till they are big enough where they will not be eaten.You should probably keep them seperate anyway.This species is territorial.
7)Just don't make your sals lose their tails.
i finally got my user account now i can post in the pictures section
Hi Joey, I have redbacked salamanders so I will try to answer some of your questions that haven't been answered above. The eggs look like tiny round drops of wax. Sometimes they are clearish and sometimes they are white. They don't need incubation like a bird's egg, but the female usually stays with her eggs. I don't know the exact reason, but possibly to prevent them from drying out because the eggs do need to be kept moist or they will shrivel and die. You can't really predict how many eggs will hatch because there are too many factors involved in the development process. You can put the juveniles back into the tank with the adults when they get a little bigger. I have a very small juvenile with my adults and he is fine with them. As for feeding, I have never seen my redbacks eat. Try dropping very small and thin worms into their tank. Redbacks are good hunters and will eventually eat whether you see them eating or not. I can't tell you how long it will take to grow a tail back, but I have one that is regenerating at a steady pace. Good luck with your redbacks. They are a lot of fun!
I have redback salamanders in a large communial tank and I've caught all of them and found ones with tails missing. Their tails grow at a rate of about 3mm. a day it takes about two months if the whole tail is gone. Legs take a little longer. And the mom will gaurd the eggs from predators(even though there are none in captivity) because the eggs are easier to get to by birds and other amphibians cause they're on land. I hope everything turns out well. If you have any questions email me by clicking the name at left.
a communal tank? with lots of different species? or just lots of redbacks?
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