Help with picking a newt species


Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
Saint Marys, Georgia
United States
Hai there ^^

As the title suggest I need a little help. I have a beautiful 25 gallon tank that is a half water, half land setup. The water portion is 3/4's of the tank and the other 1/3 is the land portion.

The water portion is 8 inches deep and the land portion is made with a clear plastic sheet sealed to the tank with aquarium sealant. The outtake for my canister filter flows from the land side into a half cut piece of pipeing and forms a small river of sorts. This flows onto a stack of slate and river rocks and disperses into the water portion with little to no current.

The water portion is filled with aquarium plants (mainly elodea) and the bottom is play sand. I used to house a firebelly toad in here but he died months ago. (he was healthy and I had had him for years). I tore the tank down and rebuilt it. Scrubbed the rocks and used new topsoil and sand for the land and water parts. I would take pictures if I could but I sadly don't own a digital camera xP.

I own two healthy paddletails in a 30 gallon. 5 marbled salamanders (3 females, 2 males) all housed together in a 55 gallon aquarium and a tiger slamander on his own in a 20 gallon long. I have owned most of these for over 2 years now and I am looking for a good looking newt who would thrive in my semi aquatic aquarium.

I wanted to ask you guys what newt would be best suited for the above described aquaruim. I don't want any more frogs or toads. They are interesting in their own way don't get me wrong, but I am in love with the newts and salamanders. Help and friendly input would be appreciated ^^
There are lots of options for this type of tank. If you like Tylototritons, then verrucosus or kweichowensis would be happy with this setup. If you like your marmoratus, you might consider the crested Triturus. Many of the Cynops would also be fine with this setup.
Oh sounds interesting. I will look up the species and then haunt the sale board. Thanks so much for the help Jen ^^ <3
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